Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google To Offer Locally Targeted Ads

Google has launched a local ad service that will allow clients to determine the geographic regions their ads are shown in. This move is another step in Google’s embrace of the local search industry.

This service was launched in 8 countries, including the US, Canada, and six other foreign countries including France and Germany. Google will allow advertisers to geographically choose where their ads are displayed.

A good example of this service is a pizza owner in Los Angeles choosing to have his Google ads displayed in the LA area only.

Sukhinder Singh, Google’s general manager of local search, in speaking to alluded to the potential of local ad targeting, stating that clients could run different campaigns for different regions.

“Our belief is that opening up more local-targeting options leads to new click opportunities for advertisers,” Singh said. “It allows advertisers to step online in a more targeted fashion.”

These locally targeted ads will be shown on Google’s main results page as well as Local Search results pages, an obvious location for their local targeting.

This move marks one of many moves made by rivals Google and Yahoo to expand their searches and advertisements to the local market. In the coming months, according to Forbes, Yahoo will launch their version of locally targeted ad services, powered by Overture.

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