Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Sites, Analytics Get Cozy

Even though people can accomplish great things while working as a team, not being able to measure the results is something of a limiting factor.  To fix this problem with Google Sites, then, an integration with Google Analytics has been announced.

Google Analytics is, of course, the tool that helps website owners figure out how well they’re doing in terms of traffic and conversions.  Google Sites is a site-building application that allows multiple users to edit a single project.  Bringing the two things together seems like a logical move.

Google Tracking
 Google Sites/Analytics Integration

As for how to actually pull it off, a post on the Google Analytics Blog tells readers, “Installing the tracking code for your Google Sites website requires just a few simple steps.  After creating a new account and profile for your website within Analytics, another JavaScript code snippet will be generated with a new tracking ID for your site (the tracking ID from within the code snippet is always in this format: UA-XXXXXXX-XX).  You can just paste the new tracking ID into your Google Sites settings page under Other Stuff > Statistics.”

Then be sure to apply the code to all of the site’s current pages and any ones that are created later.

Existing Google Sites users are almost sure to be pleased with this development.  Since Google Analytics is so popular, this could help encourage other people to embrace Google Sites, too.

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