Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Releases Webmaster Central Chat Material

Some people interrupted their workdays on Thursday, and others lost a bit of sleep that night.  But folks who didn’t participate in Google’s Webmaster Central chat live can now catch up at their convenience; the company’s released presentations and an audio transcript.

Personalized search and URLs and case sensitivity basics are two of the topics that were touched on.  If you’re still weighing whether or not the conversations are worth your time, know that Google drew “users from about as many places as Matt (Harding) has danced in,” according to John Mueller.

Google Chat
 Google Webmaster Central Chat Presentation

Mueller, Google Zurich’s webmaster trends analyst, then names Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, and 13 American states.  Not bad.

People who joined JuneTune (as the chat was called) the first time around may want to pay attention to the follow-up material, too.  Questions that originally went unanswered are now getting replies, and a quick scan or search of the Q&A thread could be quite helpful.

As for the future, JuneTune was scheduled after Google’s first Webmaster Central chat was deemed a success.  There haven’t been any promises, but given all the interest shown here, it’s hard to see a third one not taking place.

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