Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google May Get More Land In Boston

Boston is sometimes referred to as “the Hub of the Universe,” and as much as I like the city, that status seems improbable.  But Boston may at least become more of a hub within Google, as a local writer has indicated that the search giant could lease land in the area.

“Google Inc. is considering two lab buildings as a site for a new 200,000-square-foot office in East Cambridge,” according to the Boston Business Journal’s Michelle Hillman.  “The Mountain View, Calif., search-engine company is reportedly looking at leasing space at 301 Binney St. or a site slated to be developed into a 313,000-square-foot lab building at 650 East Kendall St.  Both buildings are owned by Biomed Realty Trust Inc.”

That’s a lot of land (“plenty of space for engineers to spin their wheels sketching out never-to-be-released versions of the GooglePhone,” notes The Wag, who first came across Hillman’s subscription-only article), but we’ve repeatedly seen Google snatch up similar properties.

Who knows?  An expansion in Boston could even result in games and movie tie-ins, as occurred with “The Bourne Ultimatum” and “The Da Vinci Code.”  You see, along with “the Hub of the Universe,” Boston’s also called “Beantown,” and there’s a new Mr. Bean movie on its way . . .

In any case, all this comes just days after word of a possible land grab in New York; it looks like Google is intent on solidifying its East Coast presence.

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