Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Maps Out A Coupon Path

There is no need to eagerly await the postman’s arrival with the familiar blue envelope of Valpak coupons, now that Google is enabling businesses to place coupons along with their listings on Google Maps.

Google Maps Out A Coupon Path Introducing Coupons With Google Listings
The term ‘strange bedfellows’ comes to mind when considering the news from Google that they are partnering with Valpak on the issue of coupons for the web. Google is as high tech as a firm can get, while Valpak is most readily identified with the centuries-old concept of postal mail.

Valpak has a website where they offer visitors the opportunity to do what they will be able to do on Google Maps: print out a coupon and take it to a brick-and-mortar business.

Google noted in a statement that adding coupons to an existing business listing will be easy to do. After logging in to the Google Local Business Center, an entrepreneur can freely add a coupon to the business listing that appears for the firm on Google Maps.

Users can print out that coupon and bring it to the business. This provides some measurement of the online listing on Google Maps. By making it free for businesses, Google likely hopes that a modest return from coupons can bring a company into search advertising.

A poorly-designed coupon, like any promotion, can be misused to the detriment of a business. Owners need to take care in creating their offers. They have to provide enough value to bring in a customer, but not so much that the coupon’s use quickly overwhelms any possible profit the merchant can make.


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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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