Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Maps Light Up And Mob Up

A Hungarian techie has created a mashup of Google Maps that doesn’t just have a night and day difference, but a dusk one as well; HBO has created a mashup to promote its Mafia-inspired series The Sopranos.

Peter Pesti’s Nighttime! mashup of Google Maps shows a view of the world after dark. Pesti combined an image from NASA’s collection of photos of Earth with some work with the Google Maps API to create the Nighttime imagery.

Users can click on day, dusk, or night satellite views of the world, or the same options as maps. There is only limited zooming available in the mashup. Still, the view gives an interesting peek at the world; it’s obvious where the population centers and interstate highways are from the concentrations and lines of lights.

Next we go from the amateur programming world to the very professional confines of Time Warner’s HBO. To promote the forthcoming season of The Sopranos, HBO plans to unveil a map showing where key events in the series have taken place. (The map doesn’t go live until February 27th, so fuggedaboutit for now.)

Many of those key events involve characters getting whacked, and should serve as a way for viewers to catch up on the series, which AdAge noted has been off the air since May 2004.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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