Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Huge in Brazil and India

Numbers from comScore this week, revealed that Google sites account for nearly 30% of all time spent online in India and Brazil. That is three times higher than the average.

Google sites ranked as the most visited Internet property in the world at 854 million unique visitors age 15 and older in July. This is an increase of 18% over the last year. Nearly 75% of all Internet users visited Google sites, accounting for 9.4% of all time spent online. About one out of every ten minutes a person spends online, they are spending it on a Google site, according to comScore.

comScore Top Ten Global Internet Markets

Brazil and India

“It’s interesting that the dynamics of Google usage would be so similar in Brazil and India given that the two markets are on opposite sides of the world and quite different culturally from one another,” said Alex Banks, managing director of comScore Latin America.

“As it turns out, there are interesting similarities between Brazil and India as emerging Internet markets,” added Banks. “Google’s prevalence in these markets can perhaps best be explained by the fact that the time at which these markets really began to develop and flourish was around the same time that Google was becoming a major player in the search landscape. As a result, Google became the dominant Internet brand in these markets and its success appears to have bled from search into other areas of the web like social networking.”

In July, 29.8% of total time spent online in Brazil was spent on Google sites, with India only slightly lower at 28.9%. The next highest global market was Ireland at 15.9%.


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