Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Google Guys Get NASA Airstrip Deal

The massive 767-200 Google jet will be able to land at Mountain View’s highly coveted Moffett Field, thanks to a deal with NASA.

Google Guys Get NASA Airstrip Deal
Google Guys Get NASA Airstrip Deal

In exchange for carrying scientific instrumentation for NASA experiments on board Google’s airplane, the search engine’s founders will be permitted to use a federal airstrip that is otherwise restricted to civilians.

The San Francisco Chronicle said Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page paid $1.3 million to NASA for the privilege. They should be the envy of their super-rich jet-setting neighbors, who would love to strike a similar deal.

NASA was forced to confirm the deal took place after people spotted the easily-identifiable Google plane on the federal airstrip. In addition to the $1.3 million annual fee, Page and Brin will pay for the usual extras associated with use of the field, like fuel, utilities, and parking, the report said.

The locals don’t seem very happy with the deal, although NASA claimed Google’s use of Moffett Field won’t exceed the 25,000 flights per year limit as mandated by NASA’s environmental impact statement. Mountain View’s city manager wants more information about noise from the big plane.

NASA could make similar deals with others whose aircraft could help NASA conduct experiments. We imagine plenty of tech moguls will express a newly-found interest in atmospheric science now.

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