Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Google Examines Its 2008 Blogging Trends

One of the reasons Google gets so much press coverage is, frankly, that its representatives are so good about discussing corporate developments.  And now things have been taken an informative/slightly ridiculous step further with a blog post summing up Google’s blogging habits this year.


Perhaps Susan Straccia, member of the Google Blog Team and author of the Official Google Blog post, is a fan of movies like Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, and Synecdoche, New York.  There certainly seems to be a “meta” element here.

Anyway, Straccia wrote, “This is our 368th post of the year on the main Google blog, which is 23% more than in 2007.  In addition to more posts, we are thrilled to know that we have many more readers now – 78% more, to be exact.  The number of unique visitors jumped from 6,738,830 last year to more than 12 million (12,000,723) in 2008.”

She later continued, “[N]othing caused as much excitement as our earlier-than-planned unveiling of Google Chrome.  This post alone had 1,735,093 unique visitors and generated 12% of our total-year pageviews on the blog! . . . .  And the Google blog network keeps on growing: 44 new blogs launched this year, for a total of 127 active company blogs.”

Is your mind boggled yet?  Ah, well.  For better or for worse, we can probably expect to see another introspective post and some even bigger numbers next year.

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