Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Enriches College Experience

How much easier would college life be if all the Internet-related tools you need were available in one place? Thanks to Google’s newest service, you can now find out.

Google Enriches College Experience Google Looks To Improve The College Experience
With the recent launch of Google’s College Life service, students now have a collection of Google-powered tools that can help them carry the information load, including links to:

  • Gmail
  • Google Talk
  • Google SMS
  • Google Maps
  • Picasa
  • Google Toolbar
  • Google Scholar
  • Google College life consolidates these services onto one page, making the search to find these tools all the more easier. College life features a number of Google Tips telling users how to get the most out of these available services. There is also a sign-up link to the Google Friends Newsletter, which keeps subscribers informed about Google’s latest product developments, etc.

    Gmail sign-ups are also available at College life. Gmail invitations can be requested by two methods: by using SMS text messages sign-up or by requests from students with .edu email addresses. To further entice students towards a Gmail invite, Google lists the benefits of having such an account like the oft-discussed 2.5 gigabytes worth of storage.

    As many Google users know, all of these services are (and have been for sometime) available to those who are interested. However, this approach allows Google to show off these services by “branding” them in relation to an area of interest, this case being college student lifestyle.

    Another area of interest comes from the navigation Google chose for Google College life. Earlier this year, Google gave users a peak at an OS X-inspired dock navigation system, which generated a great deal of buzz. However, the Google Dock tease was removed just as the buzz was turning to actual excitement.

    With Google’s college life service, the OS X dock-style navigation has returned, sporting a few differences. Instead of enlarging the icons when users perform a mouse-over, the image above the navigation bar changes to reflect the subject being highlighted.

    All in all, Google’s college service offers a great deal of options and features for students who may be having trouble keeping their new life organized. If you are part of this group, by all means, consider paying Google’s college life service a visit. Of course, the inclusion of Google Scholar should make the research aspect of college life a little easier as well.

    Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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