Monday, September 16, 2024

Google Earth 4 Out Of Beta

The fourth incarnation of Google Earth was released this week with some interesting new features being heralded by enthusiasts. A new 3D building layer has been added in answer to Microsoft’s Virtual Earth 3D beta.

The latest version of Google Earth includes a 3D textual model format for more realistic representations of cities. Users can create their own 3D models and submit them to GE4’s 3D Warehouse, where they will be reviewed for inclusion in the official layer.

For the more diehard navigational gurus, GE4 also includes support for joystick controllers and flight simulators, as well as a 3D mouse called The Space Navigator. This new addition was especially welcomed by Google Earth Blog author and pilot/NASA simulation expert Frank Taylor.

“I’ll tell you right now: this device is my new favorite way to use Google Earth. With small pulls, pushes, twists, and lifts you can move around Google Earth like a cinematic movie cameraman.”

This latest version allows users to type in an address and zoom straight to it. The view can include 3D images of local terrain and driving directions.

Not everybody happy with Google’s star product. is complaining about apparent anti-Semitic content created and uploaded by Google Earth Users.

From the article:

. . .a posting next to the town of Kiryat Arba says: “Note the well-tended lawns in a region deprived of water.” Clicking on a weblink in the posting brings the user to a site which says “the principal reason for the water shortage is an unfair distribution of water resources shared by Israel and the Palestinians.” It goes on to decry Israel’s policy as both illegal and racist.

Google responded saying they were looking into the matter, which has arisen from the user-side of Google Earth, not the company itself.


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