Friday, September 20, 2024

Google DoubleClick: Quotes & Facts

The purchase of DoubleClick by Google is the most interesting purchase by a search engine since Yahoo’s acquisition of Overture. Google’s cash and willingness to spend it is astonishing industry observers and its search competitors, especially Microsoft and Yahoo. Below is a compilation of quotes and facts that illustrate the impact of this deal:

From Microsoft’s point of view, Microsoft buying DoubleClick would have been about promise. However, from Google’s point of view, Microsoft buying DoubleClick was about threat. And, because threat is so much more powerful than promise, this simply made DoubleClick worth more to Google than it was to Microsoft. (Simon’s Blog)

“Google is more than the 800-pound gorilla; they’ve become the 8,000-pound gorilla,” said investment banker Ken Marlin, using a term once reserved for Microsoft. “They can outbid anybody. Google has become a veritable cash machine. At this point, Google has enough purchasing power to buy up small countries.” (LA Times)

Q. How does this acquisition broaden Google’s market opportunity? What is the revenue opportunity?
A. This acquisition represents a tremendous opportunity for Google to accelerate our display advertising business and to broaden and deepen the inventory available to all. (Official Google Blog FAQ)

When you think about it, Google may now manage an entire company’s online ad buy, even if the ad dollars go to other media properties, which they will. It’s almost like you can hear Google saying “All your ads, belong to us.” (Micropersuasion)

In addition to expanding greatly the ability of Google to advertise on the Web, DoubleClick patent filings also appear to provide Google with the opportunity to capture and measure information about how people use the Web. (SEO by the SEA)

One thing is becoming clear – Google wants to dominate the online advertising business, and will pay anything to keep rivals like Microsoft on a weak footing. (GigaOM)

“Google really wants to get into the display advertising business in a big way, and they don’t have the relationships they need to make it happen,” said Dave Morgan, the chairman of Tacoda, an online advertising network. “But DoubleClick does. It gives them immediate access to those relationships.” (New York Times)

Having locked up the online space, it also means that they can now focus on other areas of advertising — like their nacent video, radio, and print ad networks. (

And now, the crushing blow: Google buys DoubleClick, the service that serves up ads on a fantastically high percentage of major web sites. DoubleClick has a stranglehold on the digital advertising market, just as Google owns the search market. I smell monopoly here, one that could be disastrous for many Web site publishers –and ultimately bad for Web consumers as well. (Infoworld)

DoubleClick has also recently introduced a Nasdaq-like exchange for online ads that analysts say could be lucrative for Google. (New York Times)

Ad networks and search engines such as Google can now target banner ads to customers who have demonstrated an interest in content related to the ad, even if the page has nothing to do with the advertiser’s product, says Gossman. As a result, brand advertisers are becoming increasingly interested in display ads, says Gossman. In fact, Gossman and others believe that display ads are poised to begin taking advertising dollars away from the television advertising market. (BusinessWeek)

MAY 12, 2017 – BUSINESSWIRE. Mountain View-based search giant Google Inc today announced they’ve acquired the internet for the astounding sum of $2,455.5 billion in cash. (Google Blogoscoped)



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