Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Google Domains: Search And Everything Else

Only four of Google’s domains receive more than one percent of the traffic coming to a address from a US-based requestor.

Internet intelligence firm Hitwise has a new look at the market share for Google’s domains. The figures noted by analyst Bill Tancer in his blog post still show Google’s signature search page leading the way, with over 79 percent of visits for the week ended July 15th.

Then the share drops off dramatically. Image search picked up over 8 percent of Google’s visitors for the period, while Gmail received nearly 6 percent. Only Google News exceeded a 1 percent market share out of Google domains visited that week.

Tancer had previously omitted Blogger and Orkut from his list of domains, concentrating only on those ending in Here’s the current list, which Tancer noted has not moved much since his previous look at Google domains in May:

Rank Name Share 1 Google 79.63% 2 Google Image Search 8.56% 3 Google Mail 5.97% 4 Google News 1.38% 5 Google Maps 0.94% 6 Blogger 0.59% 7 Google Video Search 0.47% 8 Google Groups 0.47% 9 Froogle 0.45% 10 Orkut 0.32% 11 Google Book Search 0.25% 12 Google Earth 0.21% 13 Google Scholar 0.18% 14 Google Desktop Search 0.16% 15 Google AdWords 0.08% 16 Google Answers 0.08% 17 Google Directory 0.07% 18 Google Base 0.06% 19 Google Finance 0.03% 20 Google – Local 0.03%
Source: Hitwise

Newer Google domains like Spreadsheets, Calendar, and Checkout all fell under the top 20 in share of traffic, Tancer said. He also provided a look at Google’s growing overall market share of visits in the US on a chart in his post, where he described the traffic trend:

“Combining all of these top properties, I can then chart the market share of visits to the combined properties in relation to all Internet visits. Based on these numbers, Google’s market share visits in the US for their combined top properties has increased over 26% since this same time last year.”


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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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