Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Co-Founder or Desperate Man?

Some guy is claiming to be the third founder of Google. Hubert Chang has released a video in which he talks about helping Sergey Brin and Larry Page come up with PageRank, Google’s business model, and even the name “Google” back in 1997, but chose to pursue his Ph.D at NYU rather than attach his name to the Google project. Listen to what Chang has to say:

Google truth, the truth of Google’s birth from googletruth on Vimeo.

It’s only taken 10 years for this to surface. Obviously people are skeptical about his claims. “This person wants us all to believe that during the past 10 years he has failed to see how much money Google was making and it didn’t dawn on him that he may be entitled to a share,” says LockerGnome’s Ron Schenone. “What did he get his PH.d in? Stupidity?”

Chang does claim that he tried to get involved with Google again in 2002, but was snubbed by Page and Brin. If Chang is telling the truth, then he must be one depressed guy. But of course, there is the huge possibility that he’s just full of it.

So, is Chang’s claim legitimate or is he just some guy trying to get attention? Most of us are probably leaning toward the former, but nevertheless, it will be interesting to see how this story develops. I wonder what Brin and Page have to say about it.

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