Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Brings Local Search And Map Search To Japan

As Google tightens its grip on the world of search (and the world itself), the company continues to embrace the international side of search. Every time they release a major product, it doesn’t take too long for them to introduce it to the rest of the world.

Which brings to Japan, Google Local and Google Maps. According to the Google Blog, Google has just made these two services available to their Japanese users (Local, Maps), giving them full language support with these products as well.

Google Brings Local Search And Map Search To Japan Each service gives the Japanese users as much functionality as their American and European counterparts have. Google Maps Japan comes complete with Keyhole’s satellite technology integrated; so Japanese users can also enjoy finding neat locations in full color. Another consideration for the Japanese users is how Google’s developers considered the behavior of their users while working on the conversions. Their blog entry reveals:

Many Japanese live and work around train stations, for example, and refer to neighborhoods defined by their proximity to them. So we made sure they can search for businesses easily and refer to location by station names.

If you are a Japanese-speaking individual who uses search engines, you should probably check out Google’s new Local and Map services to get an example of how the company is efforting to deliver a Japanese user-friendly interface.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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