Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Google Announces New Content Network Features

A conversion might, if an advertiser is lucky, take place after a consumer sees a single ad.  Several viewings are slightly more likely to result in a positive outcome.  But there’s little to be gained the 48th time around, and in a nod to this reality, Google’s introducing some new features on its content network.

Designed to give advertisers more control and an increased ROI, these enhancements come thanks to Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick.  They’ll have the pleasant side effect of reducing users’ annoyance, and although they’re not all ready right now, the features will be released over the next few months.

Google Logo

First should come frequency capping.  On the Official Google Blog, Rajas Moonka describes this as something that will allow “advertisers to control the number of times a user sees an ad.”  Tied closely to it is frequency reporting, which “[p]rovides insight into the number of people who have seen an ad campaign, and how many times, on average, people are seeing these ads.”

A feature known as view-through conversions will then complete the process by enabling “advertisers to gain insights on how many users visited their sites after seeing an ad.”

Google’s pledged to release more information as the (undisclosed) launch dates near.  Based on the promising blurbs delivered so far, advertisers and even some consumers are sure to look forward to that time.

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