Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Google AdSense Builds Revenue For Site Owner

How many times have you pondered about starting a website but you weren’t sure if you could pay for it? Many established and start-up website owners are finding saving space on their website for advertising is a profitable way to cover the website costs as well as a way to draw in traffic.

Google AdSense is a service that allows any qualified website to carry Google Adword ads by over 150,000 advertisers. You could think of AdSense as an agency suggesting advertisers for your magazine. Rather than convincing these advertisers to place their ads in your magazine, your website is reviewed by Google AdSense and served with relevant ads. As long as the shoe fits, you can place these ads in your publication at no cost. You choose the advertisement from an approved selection and you don’t have to display an advertisement from a close competitor.

What’s the best way to improve your site’s appearance and qualify for the best ads? AdSense uses AdSense Mediabot to scan your site and hunt for specific criteria. No one exactly knows what that criterion is exactly. However, certain guidelines spelled out at can help you arrange your keywords, phrases and page construction so that you can increase your odds of qualifying. “Questionable” material like objectionable language or sexual material and directory sites tend to be rejected. And, broken links and many “under construction” pages aren’t considered worthy “content” and don’t qualify for great ads.

You can increase the odds of getting the best Adword ads by using content that’s highly relevant to the highest paying Adword ads. By working on your content, you create a win-win situation. In other words, if you offer relevant content, most visitors will be drawn to your site through search engines and then visitors are more motivated to follow up by clicking on these ads. Furthermore, a higher proportion of visitors will return to your site since they view you as an expert on the topic. Lots of sites offer free content that pertain to your site’s content that you can include as a page in your site. Some of these locations are and However, if you can provide it, original content is far better. Once AdSense Mediabot approves your site, you select from ad styles and paste an AdSense code into your web page. The styles of Adword ads that traditionally get the best clicks are “skyscraper” and “leader board” style ads. While some Internet experts feel this approach to content and advertising is compromising integrity, many advertisers and website publishers see this approach as increasing the ability for visitors to get what they’re looking for.

When a visitor clicks on the ad, the site starts building revenue. Whether its a penny a click or $5 a click, you can check your revenue by logging into your AdSense account online. Does AdSense make sense for your site? Many website publishers like think so. So do many small publishers like blog gurus. In so many ways, AdSense is a website revenue builder that makes your online presence profitable and affordable.

Copyright 2005 Riki Trafford. All rights reserved.

Riki Trafford is the owner of Direct MO
Marketing Inc
which offers low cost keyword-targetted web traffic.
For comments and questions visit his web site:

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