Thursday, September 19, 2024

Good Nighttime Media and Other Fun Discoveries

Indie music by the Los Shoegazers (that’s Valerie Landau’s son Camilio – I know Valerie through NextNow, a group of intellectuals who hang out with Douglas Englebart, among other smart people).

Click down to “I Met You on MySpace.” Destined to get at least 200 more plays. Heheh.

Sean Coon, can you make me a borg card like that? That’s cool. We could collect the whole set!

I love the “stick it” closing arguments by James Spader on Boston Legal. It’s amazing how many things Americans have just kept quiet about lately.

Oh,TabletKiosk is taking orders for Origamis (er, UltraMobilePCs).

Are you into IIS, well there’s a group of excellent Webcasts coming up this week all for you and all free.

Professor Lynda Gratton, of the London Business School, has a cool video on The Power of Good Conversation. Great companies value conversations, she says. I love the 50 Lessons idea where they have successful business leaders who share their experiences in the form of short video stories.

April 1 is the day to take pictures of everything you put in your mouth. At least if you buy into Oralpixation. Sounds like a fun thing to do on April fools day.

Wanna listen to the USA’s National Public Radio on your cell phone? Well, Rob Greenlee told me that Mobilcast now is doing just that.

I’ve been using the new NewsGator Inbox 2.6 for a few days now and it runs great. Lots of little new features (better synch, for instance, and it gives you a list of errors so you can find out if a feed is permanently down now). Congrats to Greg Reinacker and team on shipping that and a new FeedDemon. More on Greg’s blog. This is still the feed reader I use (NewsGator in Outlook).

Improbulus, on the Consuming Experience blog, is complaining about nextsplog abuse on Blogger. Oh, boy, yet a whole new form of stealing traffic.

And, with that, I’m off to bed. Have a busy day tomorrow due to speeches and other stuff (Shel Israel and I are speaking at Microsoft in building 113, room 1021 tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.). Unfortunately only open to Microsoft employees, but we’ll try to get it videoed and up in public.

Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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