Thursday, September 19, 2024

Go Daddy’s Domain Club, a domain name registrar, has introduced the Discount Domain Club, a subscription based service created for frequent domain buyers. Membership allows buyers registration prices that are up to 36 percent off regular prices and includes free subscriptions to other services.

The Discount Domain Club is geared toward frequent domain purchasers and customers looking to earn revenue on their domain portfolio. In addition to the discounted pricing, the service includes memberships to CashParking and The Domain Name Aftermarket, two programs that help registrants earn income from domain investments. Members also have access to Domain Buy services, where Go Daddy’s domain agents match buyers and sellers of domain names.

CashParking users can earn income from parked domains, featuring pay-per-click advertisements and payouts of up to 80 percent of ad revenue. Users of the service can customize graphics and run pay-per-click performance reports to monitor their revenue.

The Domain name Aftermarket, Go Daddy’s domain name auction site, enables users to buy and sell domain names in an online auction with sellers commissions starting at 5 percent. Partner provides protection to buyers and sellers with winning bid listings of more than $500.

“The Discount Domain Club offers our customers interested in monetizing domain names a one-stop-shop for building and expanding their domain name portfolios,” said Warren Adelman, President and COO of “We are always striving to offer our customers more. This service allows individuals to leverage their portfolio while taking advantage of our excellent customer service for all of their needs.”

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