Thursday, September 19, 2024

Global Thoughtz’s Top Stories

Below are some of the top stores from Global Thoughtz, the Global Online Marketing Blog:

Online Marketing Experts Get Together in Vancouver
Speakers from Europe, the United States, and Canada are traveling to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to take part in Internet Marketing Conference (IMC) on September 11–12, 2008. All aspects of doing business online will be covered: web analytics, strategy, content, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, e-mail marketing, social media, on-site behavioral targeting, multivariate testing, and much more. The target audience for the conference includes marketing executives, sales…

Social media is about more than English speaking countries
Social media like LinkedIn and Facebook provide for more segmented and relevant marketing, through their intensive and extensive mapping of personal interest. Unfortunately, they are all focused on American standards and the English language, which are limiting the potential results for e.g. Scandinavian advertisers. Let me give some examples: segment their users in American business sizes. The interval 1-10 employees are their lowest segment, in essence defining a start-up company. In…

Link buying – is Google going to kill you for it?
As I am sure you all know Google clearly states, by virtue of their actions if nothing else, that bartering for links is fine as long as no money changes hands (and if there are no editorial discrimination issues etc). Using the data that Google has the ability to collect using Webmaster Central and Google Analytics they would quite easily I imagine be able to sniff out what links a site has purchased and take whatever action they please to that site be it drop the PageRank (shutters) or drop your paid…

Google, Microsoft and Ebay tops in January
source: comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, released its January rankings of the largest and fastest-growing Internet properties and site categories in the U.K. based on data from the comScore World Metrix audience measurement service. The month saw increases to travel, career, tax, and real estate sites as U.K. Internet […]

Car Rental, Education and Real Estate Traffic up in February
Source: comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its January rankings of the largest and fastest-growing Internet properties and site categories in Germany based on data from the comScore World Metrix audience measurement service. The month saw increases to travel, career, real estate and politics sites as German Internet users […]

Surge in Social Networking Activity
Source eMarketer: The rate of affluent US Internet user participation in online social networks increased dramatically to 60% in January 2008, from 27% in January 2007, according to The Luxury Institute’s latest WealthSurvey “The Wealthy and Web 2.0.” The study noted that, on average, affluent US Internet users are members of about three onlne social networks […]

WAA Finland official website
On behalf of Web Analytics Association Finland, I’m glad to say that WAA Finland official website is now live (as beta). Check out the site at . If you have any recommendations or development ideas regarding the website, events and WAA Finland operation, please contact Country Manager Kalle Heinonen . Last WAW event on February was a big success with approximately 80 people attending and the high conversion rate of feedbacks.

Task Completion: A simple but powerful metric
Much of the discourse surrounding voice of the customer analytics centers around online customer satisfaction. I want to talk a little bit another another tremendously powerful metric that sometimes gets overlooked–task completion. While task completion will never displace its big brother, satisfaction, it can be just as powerful a metric for websites where success is cut and dry, and here I’m make specific reference to transactional sites and lead generation sites. These kinds of sites are not…

YouTube Dominates Video (as usual)
comScore (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released January 2008 data from the comScore Video Metrix service, revealing that accounted for one-third of the 9.8 billion videos viewed online in the U.S. during the month. The total number of videos viewed in January was down slightly from the more than […]

Sydney Search Marketing Expo
Search Marketing Expo (SMX) Sydney destined to be this year’s ‘must attend’ interactive and search engine marketing event of 2008 is taking place this April in Sydney. The SMX is replacing the highly acclaimed Australian Search Summit and is a partnership between Search Strategies and US based Third Door Media , the team that created the world’s first search marketing conference in ‘99 and has since produced more than 50 major events. The SMX Sydney program features two keynotes from Marissa…


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