Thursday, September 19, 2024

Giving Employee Performance A Boost

We have all experienced being singled out because of a mistake or a misdeed many times throughout our lives. But rarely do we get noticed for doing something good.

Even if we’re all grown up and working, this trend is still widely experienced. In fact, this is a common resentment in the corporate world. Sure, every employee undergoes employee training, but it is inevitable that most still commit mistakes. Sadly, when evaluation time comes, all the good work done are almost always overshadowed by poor employee performance.

Employee rights dictate that there should be provisions for coaching or training employees. However, this is an additional expense for the employer and another dent in the company’s finances. This is not a problem for big multinationals, but for the average company, this is a big issue.

The common stance on coaching is that it’s only necessary for poor performing employees. However, Mary Massad, a human resources expert, begs to differ. According to Massad, coaching and training are essential for every member of the company or organization. It is observed that singling out an employee for mistakes leads to even poorer performance because of sagging morale. From the lowest-paid to the highest-paid employee, each must undergo training to boost the company’s morale and performance.

Massad asserts that training employees doesn’t have to be a budget and time-consuming enterprise. Training is simply a means to get employees back on track. After all, they are qualified for their jobs. She asserts that setting examples and giving incentives are great for pushing employees subtly.

For example, lateness is proven to be cause of low productivity. Improving employee scheduling by making shifts is a solution. An employer, setting an example of coming in early, will inspire his employees to do the same. Training does not have to be a full-fledged seminar. It may be as simple as a conference or daily reminders. Setting a time where employees and employers can meet to discuss work problems is an effective way of preventing tension in the workplace.

Of course, training does not stop when the problem ceases. Massad claims that training should be an ongoing process. If the employees feel and see that their problems are being addressed, they will be more driven to work. All work and no play causes dissatisfaction among employees. Setting an employee time where employees can relax and forget about work will refresh them. This could be as simple as a family day in the park or an excursion. Another surefire way to keep employees on track? Giving employee incentives for good work makes employees feel that they are appreciated. People are observed to work better if they feel that they and their work are valuable.

For more valuable information on employee scheduling and employee training, please visit

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