Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Get Top Search Engine Ranking Using Keyword Strategies

Your prospects type in keywords into search engines to find your web site. Implementing simple keyword strategies can dramatically improve your search engine ranking and web traffic.

Many search engines and directories read the information in the META tags of web pages to index and cannot index your site without them. META tags are hidden in your HTML code. The web visitor does not see them. The most important META tags for search engine indexing are the title and description tags. To see what META tags look like go to html

Other search engines use the description and site title you provide when registering a site. Some search engines use the text in web pages, especially the first words, sentences, or paragraphs to list web pages. That’s why it’s vital to place your most relevant keywords in your headline and the first paragraph of each page. Follow these tips to write effective keywords, page titles, and site descriptions.

Here are some tips on writing keywords.

– Make a list of 5 to 20 keywords and phrases that are relevant to your web site.

– Use phrases your prospects may enter into a search engine when searching for your topic, product, or service. Web visitors often enter phrases rather than words when searching for web sites.

– List the most important keywords and key phrases first.

– Include your name, business name, product names, and the city and state you’re conducting business in.

– Include common misspellings.

– Include the plural form of the word.

The following are examples of key phrases related to web design:

Web site design, web design, san diego california, web page design, web designer, webmaster, web site development, five star web design.

Page titles are very important for search engine placement. The title of a web page appears on top of the page in the title bar of the browser. Web pages that use search terms in the title will rank higher with some search engines than pages that contain them in the text only. Follows these tips to write your page titles.

– Write a powerful headline for the title of your site. The site title is often used by the search engines to list you in their directory. Make your title compelling to grab your potential buyers’ attention.

– Keep the length 20 words or less. Longer titles may be cut off in the search engine listing.

– Create a different title for each web page.

– Include the most important keywords and phrases.

– By starting your page title with a letter toward the beginning of the alphabet (A, B, C) you may increase your chances of appearing near the top of the listing in some search engines.

Example of Title

– Five Star Web Design in San Diego, California, designs easy-to-navigate web sites to maximize sales.

The site description is used by some search engines to list the description of your web site. When providing your own description in the META description tag, your listing may be displayed in the search engine listing as you provide it. If you don’t provide a META description tag, the search engines will generate their own description from the content on your page. Follow these guidelines to write your descriptions.

– Make your description informative and compelling to attract potential buyers to your site. Provide a benefit or solve a problem.

– Include your most important keywords and phrases.

– Write descriptions of your web site in various lengths (one to three sentences). Submit the maximum allowable length to the search engines to convey a persuasive message.

Example of description

– Get your web site noticed and increase online sales with an easy-to-read-and-navigate web site.

Spend time writing keywords, descriptions, and page titles. To maintain a high ranking consistently, include keywords in your headlines, first paragraphs of each web page, page titles, and site descriptions. It can make a big difference in your search engine positioning.

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