Thursday, September 19, 2024

Get Serious…..Cuz It’s Your Life!

I have highly recommended to the readers of my Prosperity e-zine that they subscribe to Frank Garon’s newsletter in the past.

If you’re not a subscriber and missed his editorial on March 15 – Shame On You!

One of my own reps e-mailed me the morning after reading what Frank wrote…Here’s what she had to say:

“This business is so important to me and Frank Garon’s newsletter really hit home this morning. Lord, when I think of the things I personally have survived, not to mention what Cliff and I have been through! If we put 10% of that drive and tenacity into this business, we’ll be Seriously Rich.”

Another one of our readers sent me this in response to my question, “Why do you think people fail at a business?” Here’s what Irv had to say:

“Dave, its becuz:

1- they listen to ‘others’ instead of those who can help them.
2- they don’t value long term thinking, they suffer from ‘instant gratification’ syndrome (I want success now!)
3- they just don’t work as hard for themselves as they do for their ‘boss’ and finally
4- they don’t wanna’ change!!”

Keep up the great work, best, Irv

Irv hit the nail right on the head. Short, to the point, exactly what Frank was saying in his newsletter.

Folks it’s time for you to get serious with your online business.

Money is being made on the Internet. You won’t get rich in 3 months time, but…..if you have a little bit of vision and enough drive to see you through, in a few short years from now you can being life with a capital L.

I sure didn’t make enough money online even my first year to buy my brand new 2002 Dodge Ram truck. But I am doing it now becuz:

1. I listened to folks who KNEW What They Were Doing

2. I had a vision and a long term plan for my future

3. I worked harder for myself than for anyone else

4. I Wanted To change who I was into what I wanted to be

Five years from now I plan on being retired with well over a million dollars in the bank. I’m going to spend my time coaching baseball, traveling, continuing to have fun with my online businesses, re-building antique tractors, and just basically doing whatever the heck I want to do.

Where are you going to be 5 years from now?

That’s right, just where are you going to be?

Still reading about it? Still sitting on the sidelines waiting for that one “right time” Still making excuses Still putting it off until Jr gets out of school or you get that income tax check back or….or….or

Still saying you’re too old Still saying you’re too young Still thinking you don’t have enough time.

It’s Time For You To…… GET SERIOUS

Just whenever ARE you going to have enough time. When you’re retired? HAH! If you keep on working and retire on a pension you won’t have enough money.

The Fed Ex guy just dropped off a package. He was telling me how he was in an accident, hurt all the time, qualified for disability….but wouldn’t quit his job that was killing him physically …..cuz: he needed the money.

If this guy doesn’t go to work everyday, no checks.

I’m building a business that is giving me a residual income with checks coming in every month. In a couple of more years I’ll be making well over $250,000.00 a year…… and not working!

My checks will be coming in from the residual income I’m building right now.

Where’s your checks going to be coming from 5 years from now?

Think you’re going to be living Life with a capital L working for Fed Ex, or Boeing, or the local utility company?

Where’s your life going to be 5 years from now?

You are the only one that is Master of Your Own Destiny.

You are the only one that can make your dreams for Life with a capital L come true.

Right now sit down with a piece of paper and jot down every single thing you always wanted to do, or would like to have.

Oh Gosh, not that old thing again…..that’s stupid! It’s not going to get me anywhere anyhow, so why should I?

Well, did you know that 90% of people will spend hours and hours planning out their vacation – yet never plan out their life!

A couple of weeks ago I went to a cat show. My wife and I planned our trip, what time we’d get there, who we’d see after, and where we’d go to eat. Took about 10 minutes.

I’ll bet you we spent more time planning that trip, than you did this entire past week planning your life!

So get out a piece of paper and write down some things you want or where you want to be in 3 or 5 years.

Then: Are you going to be one of those 10% of people who follow the 4 rules Irv sent us and make that life happen?

So: Quit crying Quit making excuses Quit having a lottery mentality Quit procrastinating Quit listening to all those get-rich schemes Quit saying “if” and “I’ll do it after” Quit believing you can’t do it

START: Believing You Do Have What It Takes Listening to folks who are making money Putting together a plan for your life Putting together a plan for your business Working harder for yourself than for others

Prosperity: The Choice Is Yours Copyright 2002

Dave’s E-zine provides you with valuable info on how to market your online business and how to make money online. All subscribers get 1 Free ad every week. Get your FREE subscription today.

Dave’s E-zine provides you with valuable info on how to market your online business and how to make money online. Get your FREE subscription today.

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