Saturday, October 5, 2024

Get More Sales With Your Sales Messages

You can get more sales with your sales messages by making sure they always include the following 7 key features.

1. A Captivating Headline

Always include a captivating headline at the top of your sales letters and web pages. An enticing headline captures your reader’s attention and compels them to read more of your message.

The most effective headline is a short dramatic statement promising a benefit. For example, “Easy Way to Double Your Sales”.

2. Believable Claims

If the actual results you can produce for your customers sound too good to be true, they will assume it is not true and they will not buy. Understate any claims that sound exaggerated even if they are true.

3. Authentic Testimonials

Testimonials from satisfied customers prove you lived up to your promises in the past. They overcome your prospective customer’s skepticism and replace it with confidence in you and the claims you make.

Develop the habit of asking your customers and clients for testimonials. Then use them in all your marketing efforts. Get permission from your customers to include their real names and addresses with their testimonials. Testimonials from real people are believable. Anonymous testimonials are not.

4. A Motivating Offer

Your offer is the only reason people respond to your advertising. They want the “deal” you are promoting (free information, special price, free bonus with order, etc.). Include an enticing offer in every sales message. A strong offer will maximize the number of responses you get.

5. A Risk-Free Transaction

Do you know the major reason why people often hesitate to buy something – even if they want or need it? They do not want to risk getting something different than they expect.

Eliminate this risk by guaranteeing your customer’s satisfaction. If you sell products, offer a liberal money back guarantee. If you provide a service, offer to continue working without additional charge until your customer is satisfied with the results. Make the transaction risk-free for your customers and you will get more sales.

6. A Magnetic “P.S.”

Most prospects glance at the beginning of your web page or sales letter then jump to the end before reading anything in between. Take advantage of this and put something at the end of your message to stimulate their interest. Create it like a second headline – but in the form of a “P.S.”

For example, emphasize your offer, highlight a deadline or dramatize a significant benefit. An effective P.S. reinforces the attention you captured with your headline. Together they motivate prospects to read your entire message.

7. A Compelling Reason To Buy Now

People tend to procrastinate after they decide to buy something. As time passes, other things distract them and they forget about you.

You can avoid losing many of these sales by rewarding customers for taking immediate action and penalizing them if they do not. Give them a compelling reason to accept your offer within a short time – or forfeit the benefit of it. For example, offer a special discount price or a special bonus for ordering before a specific deadline.

Make sure your sales messages always include all 7 of these key features. They create the most favorable conditions for getting a sale.

Bob Leduc spent 20 years helping businesses like yours find
new customers and increase sales. He just released a New
Edition of his manual, How To Build Your Small Business Fast
With Simple Postcards and several other publications to help
small businesses grow and prosper. Find out about his highly
effective low-cost marketing methods at:
or call: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV

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