Monday, September 16, 2024

Get Free Advertising Advice From Google

The Google AdWords blog had a post today that caught my attention. The AdWords Optimization Team is accepting requests from advertisers who want feedback on their campaigns. Simply fill out a request form and tell Google about your business and advertising goals. It doesn’t say how many campaigns they will do (this isn’t the first time) or for how long, so apply right away.

The Google team will review your website, campaign structure, ad text, and keywords. Here’s the best part – they promise to get back to you within 10 days with your own customized recommendations. Even if you’ve already had the team look at your campaign you can request assistance on another. For now, the service is available for advertisers in the U.S. and Canada, for campaigns in English. If you’re running AdWords go sign up. I wonder if they have a similar service for AdSense.

If your campaign isn’t chosen, there will probably be other chances, and in the meantime you can still brush up on your AdWords knowledge with the Google AdWords Retail Industry Newsletter. This issue is focused on the holidays. Here’s a fact from last year: According to the newsletter Black Friday wasn’t the biggest online shopping day in 2006. December 13 was the highest sales day with $667 million spent. December 11 and December 4 were next.

One more tip for online retailers – there’s an entire Google blog devoted to maximizing your retail AdWords campaigns. I didn’t know it until today but it’s a must-read at



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