Thursday, September 19, 2024

Get Clients to Use your Service Again and Again: Two Solutions

Your Online sales copy matters. Did you know that 95% of small sized businesses (small businesses) fail because their owners don’t pay enough attention to staying in touch with their clients with magnetic sales copy?

Whether you are a professional speaker, coach, consultant, or entrepreneur, every business wants more new and return clients.

The first solution from an internet marketing coach advises to entice potential clients to read your Web site’s service sales messages. Online promotions can be as natural as a telephone conversation.

Check out your Web site Pages. Your site sales copy matters.

The biggest mistake your Web site messages make is that they don’t serve the needs and desires of your visitors. When business owners don’t convey a convincing message of why our Web site visitors should choose our service, we lose potential clients.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. “What does my Web site say about me? Is it just another pretty face or does its messages take my readers by the collar and convince them to read more?”

Tip: If this is your first Web site it probably hasn’t attracted enough clients. If you are serious about using your site to attract more clients you need to give it a face lift.

2. Does your home page inspire your readers to act? Do you give visitors reasons to buy? Or, do you fill your home page with unnecessary bio, mission statements all about you?

Tip: Your home page must be all about your visitor, not about you. Just one or two sentences about yourself like this one: Judy XXXXX, 20-year book coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in peoples lives and who want to make one-half their Online monthly income from publishing and selling a book.

3. Will your readers know what they need to know to arrive at an educated decision? Do you include questions they may have, or resistance to your service that you can overcome? These serve to make them more comfortable and want to know more from you.

4. Have you included benefit-driven headlines to take your visitor from your home page to your service sales message?

5. Does your sales letter or message about your service develop rapport and entice your visitor to contact you and buy?

6. Do your service pages offer different packages and ways to serve individual (individual) tastes and budgets?

7. Do you have the correct hyperlinks to your order page that make it easy for your client to buy?

If your answers to these questions come up short, you have options.

1. Model your web pages after a successful coach’s pages.

Why did this coach’s sales increase 30 times in just eight months? Because her benefit-driven headlines seduced her Web visitors to go to the sales messages about her coaching services and the eBooks she offered.

The original first month’s profits–$75. At the end of eight months, they added up to $2250. Amazing for some to grasp, but totally possible for others. And, those numbers kept climbing the next year to over $3000 a month.

2. Hire a copywriter to write the copy for you. Some will write a sales letter for $300, others charge up to $1000. They will give you a work sheet so your sales message will suit your purposes. Some choose this method because they don’t think they can write, but the coach encourages you to write your own copy to reflect your unique personality and be true to you.

3. Seek help from a money-successful Internet coach to help you formulate a new sales message that really suits you, your business and your service. Speakers need to write separate copy for each talk they present to include its benefits to the audience and company as well as testimonials. Coaches and consultants need to ask questions and answer them, state outcomes and focus, and show value client will receive from the service.

One last option is to do nothing–keeping your client base stagnant and not letting the world know about the wonderful service you offer that will change people’s lives for the better.

This client-building technique along with part 2 of this article can not only save you hours of promotion time and dollars, will serve your clients, the reason you offer your service in the first place.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people’s lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including “Write your eBook Fast,” “How to Market your Business on the Internet,” and “Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz,” she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says…and Business Tip of the Month at and over 145 free articles. Email her at

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