Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Get a Clue

Everybody and their sister are getting on the web to sell their products. This is great! The more products being offered the greater prosperity will be enjoyed by the many instead of the few.

The only problem I have with some retail websites is — they don’t have a clue how to present their products so I want to buy. And believe me, I love buying on the Internet.

The reason — I live in a rural resort town with the nearest shopping mall over 120 miles away so I am used to buying from catalogs and face it, the Internet is one huge catalog!

I don’t care if you are small (one person operation), medium or a large business, this is what I require or look for when going to a site to purchase:

1. You have your own domain name and are not on a free hosting site.

2. The website can be simple but must be professional looking.

3. Good hyper-linked thumbnail pictures with plenty of white space around them.

4. When I click on the picture it leads me to the page with the features and specs of the product.

5. You do not use words or “techno speak” which I don’t understand. Your copy is straight forward and easy to read.

6. Right next to the product is the price. Trust me if I have to click on (search for a price) link, I won’t purchase from you.

7. If you don’t have a secure server page showing an “https://” in address line for credit card acceptance, my credit card will never leave my wallet.

8. If you are a small entrepreneur, an “about” page which lets me know who you are and where you’re located. Let me see your personality, picture so I can buy from you with confidence.

As you can see, I don’t have many requirements so if you want my money, Get A Clue!

Judith Tramayne-Barth’s site is which has free books, articles and link pages you’ll love. She also writes excellent “how-to” books.

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