Thursday, September 19, 2024

From Zero-Cost To…Fraud!

Personalization! One of the decisive ingredients of a happy life –And equally true for a Web marketer.

You already know about email personalization. Most of the email that you receive are personalized with your name for that additional punch.

But did you know that you can ‘extend’ this same concept even from your emails to your website and clock improved sales…as high as 300%?

Did you know that there exists an easy to way to personalize your sales page and autoresponder emails to triple your sales, improve your reputation and cash generation?

Allow me to give you the secret — The only thing you need to know is just ‘Copy & Paste’.

The Magic Zero-Cost Script

You can literally address your members, customers or anyone directly by their first name from your website in a very simple way involving just two steps.

Step-1: Easily insert a very simple code into your webpage where you want your customers name to appear.

Step-2: Now all you have to do is insert a simple “?-Name Tag-” at the end of the URL that you want you promote.

Note: -Name Tag- means, the personalization tag that you normally use in your Autoresponder and emails

For e.g. Just replace the “YourName” from the below URL with your name and see how you are personally addressed on the Web page:

Please download the Webpage/Sales Page personalization script from here with instructions:

The Cost Option Of The Similar Script

Interestingly, there is also a similar script launched very recently with much fanfare. But you have to pay $67. Well! You really do not need to pay for it as it is available openly. If you have already bought the product, compare it with the Zero-Cost script given above . Do you find any difference?

And The Fraud!

On Friday, March 26, 2004 10:20 AM, I receive an email from a youngster in Philippines asking me for a joint venture with this Web personalization script. He had noticed from an earlier article of mine.

The deal was, he will productize this script which I was already giving away and wanted me to stop promoting that article. I will get a copy of the product that I can sell. In all humility, I accepted the offer and waited for the this gentleman to respond.

Some of his sentences in the email were,

“I’m honest and reliable. I try to live with integrity. That only means that you won’t have any problems dealing with me.”

“You don’t have to do anything. Just sit back and rest. Let me do everything. Then I’ll send you the finish product!”

Yes! This guy went ahead, finished the product, began selling it and is joint venturing now on a 7 day stuff …except that I never heard from him again nor the finished product.

One more example of dishonest people infesting the Internet and one more guy to avoid doing business with.

S. Kumar is the webmaster and owner of , the site he started from
a remote village in India and took it to one of the top ranked
sites in the world!. Subscribe to his free $1000 free gift series
by simply visiting

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