Thursday, September 19, 2024

From the New Communications Forum

I’m in Las Vegas, but what happens here definitely won’t stay here. I’ll blog pretty regularly from the New Communications Forum, which begins this morning with pre-conference sessions, two in the morning and two (including the one I’m conducting on podcasting) in the afternoon.

The conference proper gets underway tomorrow with a keynote by David Weinberbger. Among the sessions I’m anxious to attend:

There are other great sessions and speakers, but with multiple tracks, you just can’t get to them all. But since my wrap-up keynote is supposed to provide an overview of the conference, I need to do my best to get to as many as possible, which should result in a flurry of posts on what I’ve heard here.

Attendance is well over 350, and things kick off in 45 minutes. Stand by…



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