Friday, September 20, 2024

France Approves Internet Piracy Bill

French lawmakers approved a plan on Tuesday to cut off Internet access to those who illegally download content.

The French National Assembly passed the bill by a vote of 296 to 223 and the measure will go before the Senate for final approval on Wednesday.

The legislation is one of the toughest ever drafted against Internet piracy around the world, it would penalize those who pirate music and movies by shutting down their Internet access for up to a year.

Michael AptedIf the bill passes, a French agency will be created to track and punish those who pirate movies and music on the Internet.

A three-strikes system would be in place for violators, who first would receive an email warning, then a letter and finally lose their Internet access for up to a year if they are caught a third time.

Supporters of the bill hope it will drive Internet users away from pirated films and music, and towards legal download sites.

“Online piracy is among the greatest of threats to the health and future of the creative industries,” said Michael Apted, president of the Directors Guild of America.”The growth of the Internet has allowed people to engage in piracy with the click of a button, never considering the consequences of their actions on the men and women who create the content they love.”

“The French model is remarkable because it creates a solution that enforces the idea that piracy is serious, while avoiding unfair punitive or financial measures and the quagmire of endless lawsuits,” he added.


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