Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fork and Exec with Perl

Recently I had a project that required a number of different programs that will mostly run all the time, but need to be restarted now and then with different parameters. Normally, the first thing I think of for a program that runs constantly is inittab or svc (daemontools). The svc facility is the more flexible of the two, and will be what I’ll use in the final design, but in the “thinking” stages I played with using a Perl program launcher and controller.

What we have is a config file that specifies programs to run and various parameters to pass:



We want a program that can start up any number of these, stop them, and monitor their progress.


The menu’s responsibility is to read the config file, see what needs to run, and run the program with all the parameters as arguments. It needs to keep track of process id’s so that it can kill off jobs. It mostly doesn’t care about the various parameters; it just passes those as arguments. However it does read the “mylog” variable, log to that, and display that log on request.
Supposedly, it’s Windows poor performance in this area that causes Windows web programmers to shun cgi scripts in favor of asp: running such scripts means constantly creating new processes. I’m no expert in Windows process management and creation though, so all that could be wrong or “wrong now” – sometimes things that used to be true get stuck and everybody keeps doing things for reasons that no longer apply.

The reason Windows didn’t pay much attention to this is that Windows programs are much more apt to use threads – and of course so are more modern Unix programs. Threads aren’t the answer to every problem though, and do tend to encourage large, monolithic programs. As the Unix philosophy is standalones that work together, forking efficiency will remain important.

It is interesting how basic differences like that do affect OS design and optimization. Windows programmers don’t generally understand the cooperative tools idea of Unix/Linux, and that affects basic design decisions.

When asked to start a program, this script forks, and then execs the other program.

The “fork and exec” scheme is very common to Unix programs: every time you login, you go through similar processes: init forks and execs a login prompt, which in turn does the same thing with a authentication program to check your password, which then forks and execs your shell. Network daemons do the same thing to handle multiple connections: in fact there are very few programs that don’t use fork and exec at all. Because of this, Unix/Linux kernels give very special attention to making this work quickly and efficiently. Typically, the child process is set to be a “copy on write” instance of the parent, which means before it execs, it’s just sharing the same code for efficiency.

Just like the system level fork, your Perl program gets duplicated by the kernel and it starts running right at the return from fork: in other words, one program does the fork(), but two programs exist after, and both see the value that fork returns. The parent program (the one that did the fork) sees the process id of the child, and the child sees “0”. It can get its process id from “$$” if it needs it.

You can’t be certain when your program will actually get scheduled to run, so that makes it a little tricky to tell if it immediately failed. In this case, we handle it by sleeping for two seconds before checking that the pid is still around. But there’s no guarantee on that: a busy, busy system might take much longer before it gets around to giving that child process any run time. For that reason, and of course because it might fail at any time, we also check the status of each pid each time through the loop: in this case, just pressing enter would cause the status to be updated, but in the final versions we’ll need a constantly updated display (see Perl Input for how to do non-blocking input).

The child process then “execs” the program we really want to run. If everything goes well, the exec never returns: your child is overlaid with that program and that’s the last we worry about it. We could “wait” for the child to finish, but in this case we have no need to collect any return values, so we just set SIGCHLD to IGNORE. If you don’t either wait for forked children or set this, your child processes become zombies if the parent process exits before they do. We won’t be exiting at all normally, but we’ll set that just in case.

Arguments are passed to exec simply by packing them up into an array and doing “exec $progname, @array”. Perl exec will call a shell to execute your program if there is only “$progname” (no additional args) AND it sees shell metacharacters. That’s not needed or wanted here, but $progname could be “grep foo *.dat” etc. But for our case here, no shell will be used.

It’s easy to get yourself very confused and messed up if you don’t account for the possibility of the exec failing. In the code below, we write a log entry and exit right after the line that does the exec. If the exec succeeds, those code lines will not execute; they’ll never be reached. If it does fail (the program name spelled wrong in the config or has been deleted or for other reasons), you cannot return. If you did not have the specific exit, the child would return, and then you’d have two copies of your script running, both displaying menus on the screen and both trying to get input from the keyboard. Failures of that sort aren’t always easy to see: I created such a condition deliberately by mis-spelling the “mainprog” name and commenting out the “exit”. On a Linux box accessed over the network, you could plainly see the menu lines being duplicated:

1) NWFTP [running (13870)]
1) NWFTP [not running ]
2) PIELD [not running]
2) PIELD [not running]

But on my local Mac, you could easily miss it because although both processes were writing, they didn’t intermingle on the screen:

1) NWFTP [running (13870)]
2) PIELD [not running]  
1) NWFTP [not running ]       
2) PIELD [not running]  

Of course input would be confused in both places, but you might not immediately realize what was happening to every other keystroke or so. Just get in the habit of putting an exit after any exec. I suspect just about all of us either have made this mistake or will someday.

An easier way to handle these things might be the daemontools package referenced above; your program would simply use “svc” to start and stop the sub-programs. Check that out before you reinvent to o many wheels; you may still decide to roll your own but you may as well know about other ways.

Here’s the sample program. You’d want a much smoother and prettier implementation if you were really doing this, but it does show how fork and exec work in Perl. Be careful of Perl books here: there was (still is?) an error in “Programming Perl” that shows “exec PATHNAME LIST” rather than what is actually needed: “exec PATHNAME, LIST” (note the comma). Many other Perl books and web pages have propagated that error so it is quite common to see it, even in supposedly working programs given as examples.

use Errno qw(ESRCH EPERM);
# read in config
open(I, "config") or die "Couldn't open config file $!";
# array for parameters to be passed
while ( <I >) {
  if (/^[[A-Za-z]*]$/) {
    # bracketed name 

  if ( /=/) {
  # parameters
  ($a,$b)=split /=/;
close I;
# We now have $jobs{NWFTP}, $jobs{PFIELD} etc, and $stuff has 
# entries like:
# $stuff{NWFTP|mainprog}
# $stuff{NWFTP|datasource}

# loop forever
while (1) {
print "Choose:n";
foreach (sort keys %jobs) {
  # The jobs{$_} is pid of running processes
  # Sending a kill 0 actually just checks that a
  # job is still running.  These will be zero at startup
  $s=kill 0, $jobs{$_} if $jobs{$_};
  $jobs{$_}=0 if (not $s);

  $status="[not running]" if not $jobs{$_};
  $status="[running ($jobs{$_})]" if $jobs{$_};

  print "$x) $_ $statusn";
# get input
chomp $g;
if ($g > 0 and $g < $x) {

sub chose {
 my $g=shift;
 # which one?
 foreach (sort keys %jobs) {
  next if $x ne $g;
  print "----n$whichn----n";
  foreach (sort keys %stuff) {
     ($a,$b)=split /|/;
     # so $a is'NWS' and $b is 'datasource', etc.
     next if $a ne $which;
     print "$b: $stuff{$_}n";
  $status="[not running]" if not $jobs{$which};
  $status="[running ($jobs{$which})]" if $jobs{$which};
  print "n$statusn";
  print "n(L)ogn";
  print "(K)illn" if ($jobs{$which});
  print "(S)tartn" if (not $jobs{$which});
  chomp $gg;


  if ($gg =~ /S/i ) {
     print "Starting up $which ..n";
     # give it time to fail
     # if we check too quickly, it will always be there
     sleep 2;
     $s=kill 0, $jobs{$which};
     if (not $s) {
       print "Couldn't start $whichn";
  if ($gg =~ /k/i ) {
    $cnt= kill 1, $j;
    # if it didn't die, $cnt will be zero, so try -9
    kill 9, $j if not $cnt;
    $s=kill 0, $j;
    $jobs{$which}=0 if $s;
    open (O,">>$mylog") or print "Can't write to $mylog $!";
    print O "killed $which $j $todayn" if $s;
    print O "couldn't kill $which $j $todayn" if not $s;
    close O;
  if ($gg =~ /l/i ) {
      open(I,"$mylog") print "Can't read $mylog $!;
      while ( <I >) {
       $z=$x % 50;
       if (not $z) {
        print "Enter for more, Q to quitn";
        if  ($g =~ /q/i) {
           close I;
           return ;


sub runit {

my $which=shift;

FORK: {  
  if ($pid=fork) {
    return $pid;
    # this is the parent, so return the pid
    # everything below here is either the child or a very major 
    # system failure
  elsif (defined $pid) {
    # packup the arguments
    foreach (sort keys %stuff) {
      ($a,$b)=split ||/;
      push @estuff,"$b=$stuff{$_}";
    open (O,">>$mylog") or print "Can't write to $mylog $!";
    print O "Running for " .  @estuff;
    exec "",@estuff;
    # shouldn't reach this unless exec fails
    open (O,">>$mylog") or print "Can't write to $mylog $!";
    print O "Couldn't execn";
    close O;
    exit 0;
    # exit, NOT return.  We're the child process
  elsif ($! == EAGAIN)  {
     sleep 3;
     redo FORK;
  else {
    open (O,">>$mylog") or print "Can't write to $mylog $!";
    print O "Can't fork$!n";
    close O;
    print " Could not fork $!";
    return 0;


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A.P. Lawrence provides SCO Unix and Linux consulting services

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