Friday, October 18, 2024

Fond Of Autoresponders? Write ’em Right!

Autoresponders are one of the most popular forms of marketing today. The reason for this is a simple one: they work. However, writing a truly effective autoresponder series can frustrating, even for the professional marketer.

To come up with an effective series of autoresponders without boring your prospects can be difficult. To help you, here are a few general tips.

1) In my line of work, I see a lot autoresponders. Most of these are one to three pages long, which is generally appropriate for a sales letter. In an autoresponder series, however, keep in mind that your prospects are going to be reading multiple messages from you. Try to keep them each down to about a page and spread the juicy details around a bit. Don’t tell them everything at once.

2) Now let’s talk content. You’d be wise to try to give your autoresponders some continuity so they hang together well. Start with the basic details of your offer, then gradually reveal more and more. When you start a letter, rehash (very briefly) what you told them in your last letter. At the end of each letter, make sure they stay tuned by enticing them about what they’ll find out next time.

3) A word about hype. It can definitely work if you have the right audience and the right product. Feel free to use bold letters, exclamation points, etc., but don’t overdo it. The last thing you need is for your prospects to feel that your message is being jammed down their throats. In any case, it might be helpful to use some imagery. Have your prospects imagine how your product or service can enhance their lives or their business. Use vivid words, describe feelings or circumstances, and then tell them how you can help them achieve those things (or how you can help get them out of where they are right now).

A well-written, well-targeted series of autoresponders can do wonders for sagging sales. For tips on writing effective copy for autoresponders, see

Meredith Pond has been writing successful marketing copy
since 2000. Web pages, sales letters, articles, press releases,
ads, you name it! Don’t let your writing scare away potential
clients! Good writing can save your business, and it’s more
affordable than you think! See

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