Thursday, September 19, 2024

Follow The Leaders

Why not pick one guru and follow his plan step by step until you achieve his results and make as much money as he does? Because you never will. Copycats never do. If you have ever purchased a brand new ebook, waited impatiently as it downloaded and then opened it to experience deja vu, you know what I mean. Instead I have another suggestion.

Study each marketing genius and take with you his best traits. Everyone has an area in which they shine. Focus on that point and tear it apart to see how it works. Then put it back together in your own marketing plan. Sometimes you don’t even have to buy the product to discover how it sells.

Everyone has heard of the Free Ad Guru, Stephan Ducharme. No, I haven’t bought his book, but I did sign up for his affiliate program. Why? I wanted to get inside that machine to see how it worked. In it is everything an affiliate could want. He definitely doesn’t leave you out in the cold. Instead he has learned to lead a horse to water and make it drink. How does this help? Each affiliate can start selling instantly and make him even more of a millionaire.

Robert Allen is the king of publicity stunts, the Evil Knievel of marketing. He jumps million dollar canyons and we all wait for him to fall on his face. Does he? Of course not. He overshoots his mark. How? He is a master of seeing the big picture. He invented the term “Multiple Streams.” It took everyone else to run it into the ground.

Joe Vitale is the master of words. It was once believed that those who possessed the power to draw sounds on paper had magical powers. Joe proves this time after time. Study him and you could start a new career of selling ice to Eskimos.

Read Yanik Silver for good, professional step by step guidance. Anyone who has read “33 Days to Online Profits” and has no results on day 34, is just plain lazy. Follow his lead and you will learn to create products that are well worth the money you charge for them.

Study Ken Evoy, Corey Rudl, and Mark Joyner for setting the standard. They are the yardsticks that everyone who comes after them will be measured by. Mark Joyner is retiring. If only we were so lucky. We can be.

Along with this, look for new trends. You’ll know them we you see them. If something makes you say, “Why didn’t I think of that?”, that’s a clue. Jump on it. PlugUsIn4Cash made me say this and I became an affiliate. Getting money back from pay-per-click search engines by signing up for free. Hey, I’ll try it. I signed up and put a link on my website.

And finally, add your own twist. Do something that will make future marketers say “Study this guy because he…” You can’t beat the experts at their own game. The only other choice is to create your own.

Stephan Miller

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