Thursday, September 19, 2024

Flickr Staff Falling Apart

As you may know, Yahoo has cut over 600 jobs. The company’s popular photo sharing service Flickr looks to be among the Yahoo properties directly affected by this.

Om Malik at GigaOm is pointing to a number of Tweets from Flickr engineers who claim to be among the layoffs. Names include Reverend Dan Catt, Ashot Petrosian and Neil Kandalgaonkar.

Catt Tweet

“I can now officially say that after nearly 4 years I’m no longer working at Flickr, today was my last day, and I think it’s fair to say I’ll miss it terribly,” says Catt on his blog. “There’s no other job quite like it. I’ll miss the people, I’ll miss the coding and I’ll miss the blogging. And besides, where else can you get to build rainbow vomiting pandas?”

Some ex-Flickrers may look to Google for future opportunities. Catt certainly seems open to the idea. “Of course if you want to employ someone who’s worked at one of the top photo sharing web sites called Flickr in the World, from when it was still tiny small(ish) and just moved to the US from Canada, to the huge beast it is now, yada yada yada maps blah etc. then drop me an email…Especially if you’re Google with a desk free in the Manchester office,” writes Catt.

Then there is this tweet from Petrosian:

Ashot Tweet

Layoffs aren’t the only thing impacting the Flickr staff though. Kara Swisher at Boomtown reports that Flickr co-Founder Stewart Butterfield and Chief Architect Cal Henderson are working on a “stealth start-up.”

Henderson doesn’t seem to be in a rush to do much though. “I have left Flickr/Yahoo. I don’t have any plans yet, besides playing lots of video games and enjoying the San Francisco summer,” Henderson told Malik.

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