Thursday, September 19, 2024

Flickr Fans Protest MSFT’s Acquisition Attempt

Bashing Yahoo has become one of the easiest activities in the world.  Flickr is still loved, however, and may, in fact, be one of the few things standing between Microsoft and its acquisition of Yahoo.

Yes, yes, there’s Yahoo’s leadership and the antitrust issues to consider.  But in terms of user or stockholder opinion, a group titled “Microsoft: Keep Your Evil Grubby Hands Off Of Our Flickr” represents the loudest outcry yet.  The group has 2,668 members, and its original name is in all caps, too.Flickr Fans Protest Microsoft's Acquisition Attempt

Amusing threads and heavily signed petitions abound, yet what’s best about the group is its collection of images.  This article would have gotten to you a few minutes sooner had I not looked through them, but some of the funniest are visible here, here, and here.

I’m not, of course, convinced that a good sense of humor will outweigh a $44.6 billion offer.  Still, the publicity the group is getting (it’s been covered by Wired and several other prominent sites) won’t hurt, and if the acquisition goes through, the images should at least provide some amusement during the inevitable layoffs.

On the more newsy front of this issue, there’s been little movement.  The last anyone heard, Jerry Yang was still undecided and trying to keep his troops on task.

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