Thursday, September 19, 2024

Five Steps of Guerrilla Marketing

Murdok video reporter Kara Ratcliff at the Podcast Expo interviewed KFC Blanchette from Podchick and SkyDiverGirls about her marketing strategies.

KFC stated, “I’m just one person doing both of my shows. Podchick I started myself back in 2005 and SkyDiverGirls, a video podcast in 2006. I’m a one woman show. I do everything, but everybody knows who I am.

How is that? I don’t have a staff. I don’t have a budget. It’s because I am an insane guerrilla marketer! I have stickers, I have lighters. I send my name out to everyone on the Internet. There are all kinds of ways to get your name out there and not spend a lot of money.”

KFC’s five steps of guerrilla marketing are:

1. Knowing your audience. Target your marketing to your audience gets you a bigger bang for your buck.

2. Living your brand. Always have your brand on your mind. Always thinking about what your brand has to offer. Always having your brand available for people to see and enquire about.

3. Social Networking. Who do you know? You know lots of people, not just people from this industry. What about what high school you went to? They might be interested in your show and what you are doing now. There are lots of ways to tap into resources that you have that most people don’t even think about. Of course, online social networking, your myspaces, twitters and all of these sorts of things.

4. Having a lot of energy. You have to have a lot of energy. I you’re sitting back at your house twiddling your thumbs it’s just not going to happen. You’ve got to get out there and be involved in things!

5. Have a positive attitude. I think having a positive attitude goes a long way toward marketing your brand. If your fun to work with then they are going to call you up when other opportunities come around. It’s a little longer sales cycle but it’s worth it!

>>> Watch the full video interview here <<<


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