Thursday, September 19, 2024

Firefox Success Stirs the Microsoft Haters

Any news that goes against Microsoft seems to enliven the anti – Microsoft crowd. This weeks news that FireFox is gaining ground on IE was no different.

I can certainly understand this from non-American’s … but has it occured to you Microsoft haters that Microsoft is one of the most successful businesses in the history of the United States?

We are at a point where Americans NEED to start defending Microsoft in light of the huge fine imposed by the EU on this American titan. Microsoft is being fined millions by Europe for including its own version of RealPlayer in the Windows operating system … thus stifling RealPlayer as a competitor.

Kind of ironic considering the FACT that Europe is still largely socialist and provides billions in assistance to companies like AirBus. Isn’t that hurting potential AirBus competitors such as Boeing?

Of course it is … but I doubt reality will get in the way of Europe stealing from America.

Here’s the problem with the EU fine imposed on U.S. based Microsoft. The company that is the reason for the fine … RealPlayer … is also a U.S. company.

How the hell do anti-competitive practices by a U.S. company against another U.S. company result in Europe reaping millions?

Well … the answer is that Europe is simply taking advantage of the situation.

This rape of an American company by Europe is only working becuase U.S. states such as Massachusetts and California plus the Feds are also hammering Microsoft for millions. Now, many Americans hate Microsoft too.

This has enabled the European Union to go for the (our) money.

Yes … the EU will gladly help you tear Microsoft down.

The question is … which U.S. company is next?

murdok is the CEO of Murdok, Inc. which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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