Thursday, September 19, 2024

Filipino Cardinal Dies at 76

Scores of Filipinos filled the area around Manila Cathedral on Tuesday to mourn the passing and pay respects to Cardinal Jaime Sin, the former Catholic Archbishop of Manila who helped to topple two presidents.

Filipino Cardinal Dies at 76
Cardinal Sin died at 76 of a prolonged kidney disease.

Philippine President Gloria Arroyo heralded the cardinal as a “great liberator” of the Filipino people. She was referring to Cardinal Sin’s history as motivator and mass protest organizer.

In 1986, during a military coup d’etat aimed at ending the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos, Cardinal Sin called on the people of the Philippines to become human shields for soldiers as they advanced on Manila’s main highway.

Citizens turned out by the hundreds of thousands in response to the call and the famed “People Power” was born in island nation. Marcos sought exile in the United States and the Filipino people began a new democratic government.

The honeymoon for the new government was short lived however as the newly elected president, Joseph Estrada, was accused of sweeping government corruption. In 2001, Cardinal Sin rallied the people yet again to have the president removed.

“If such a government does not of itself really correct the evil it has inflicted on the people, then it is our serious moral obligation as a people to make it do so,” Cardinal Sin said in response to Philippine troubles.

Though many have criticized the cardinal for interference in government affairs and his stance against birth control, that he was beloved for his 30-year position as Archbishop cannot be denied. The droves of folks who showed to mourn should speak to that.

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