Friday, September 20, 2024

Feds’ Online Gambling Sting Gets ‘Ridiculous’

The US Justice Department is making clear that only certain types of gambling are okay online and there’s no exception for advertising agencies running campaigns for offshore sports betting companies. The penalty for running that campaign: a charge of racketeering and up to 20 years in prison.

Because, you know, gambling, even talking about gambling, is just as bad as say, grand theft auto (the crime, not the game, which is worse). And of course that doesn’t include horse racing or state-sponsored betting.

From AdvertisingAge:

The indictment, issued in St. Louis, charges the ad execs [at DME Global Marketing & Fulfillment] and their companies with engaging in a racketeering conspiracy, saying they worked to illegally advertise and support several websites by buying ads, sending equipment and prizes for the site to Costa Rica and eventually serving as the fulfillment house for internet-gambling prizes

All four ad executives were charged with conspiracy and could face up to 20 years in prison and have to pay a share of billions of dollars if convicted.

“The US government’s latest battle against online gambling is quickly reaching ridiculous levels,” says TechDirt’s Michael Masnick. ” These advertising execs could now face 20 years in jail and huge fines — all for running a basic promotional campaign for a service that was legal in its country of origin”

What’s next? Twenty years for buying beer on Sunday?

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