Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Facing the Many Challenges of a Web Based Business!

When analyzing, identifying and exploring the many challenges of a web based business, it would be difficult to say that one specific area is the most challenging over others. By virtue of the fact that things change so drastically and constantly on the Internet, today’s answers are often tomorrow’s questions. Consequently, as soon as we figure out one set of problems, the age of technology presents us with yet another series of circumstances.

Yet, day after day, millions of us place our sites on line hoping to succeed at our ventures, which prompt more questions and require more answers. But because we’re eager to get where we want to go we make every effort to keep up with the latest technology, deciphering search engine optimization, interpreting effective linking activities, determining if our e-mail messages are considered spam and defining whether our virus detectors are protecting our computers. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Based on significant issues that most web site owners confront, I have selected to respond to eight questions that were sent to me by three WebPro readers. Their questions address current issues that are prevalent for today’s online entrepreneur.

The first series of questions is from Shanette,, Founder and Owner of L’Exquisite, a highly upscale beauty site in Canada. Shanette has a world of experience and information to share with those who want to maintain their youthful appearance. Upon review of her site and her products, she is certainly in a position to help anyone look and feel good. A very knowledgeable Esthetician, Shanette sent me several questions that deal with linking to other sites and their effectiveness, as well as inquiries in regard to the appearance of her site in addition to what type of sales letter she should be writing. Her questions are well thought out and sure to interest readers everywhere.

The second series of questions come from Robert at Walnut Medical, the prime source of European healthcare information. The company provides an invaluable information resource to anyone needing details of European hospitals and healthcare systems. Robert has a few questions that focus on using UK English, approaching consumers for positive comments and the possibility and significance of creating an e-book. His questions address issues that many web site owners will find useful.

Finally, the third set of questions comes from Henry and Carol Ann, Founders of a truly unique site devoted to exquisite handcrafted gifts, created by artisans living on Salt Spring Island on Canada’s West Coast. Among their offerings, the site includes hand-woven mohair throws, wool blankets, luxurious ikay silk scarves, hand-quilted baby blankets, and much more. Henry and Carol Ann have a few questions related to key words and content tag information that leave most of us a bit befuddled.

Question 1. From

On my home page I have what I call an “Interesting Links” page on the left side bar of my site. I link to things that are not necessarily related to my business as well as to my affiliates. Does this portray me in an unprofessional way?

Answer From Charlene:

I wouldn’t say that linking to unrelated sites portrays you in an unprofessional light, but I would suggest that you consider linking to sites that are helpful to your business and beneficial to potential visitors. If the links do nothing to strengthen your site and don’t help to give or get vital information, you would probably be better off eliminating them. Consider also that when linking to other sites you must pay attention to whether the links are active. If they’re not they can pose an issue with your listings on search engines which means you should check the links periodically to be sure they aren’t dead. Overall since you’re in the beauty business if any of the links are directly related to the beauty or health industry, they are beneficial to your site. If not, I would recommend taking some of them off.

Question 2:

I notice that several well-established online marketing experts recommend writing very long sales letters with a sense of urgency. The first time or two that I received one of those letters, I read them through and found them to be of some interest but now when I receive a long letter I skim over it looking for the important points. I am awfully busy and have little patience to read endless copy but wondered how you feel about long letters?

Answer From Charlene:

I write a lot of sales letters with great results but I try hard to never write a letter that’s longer than a page and a half. Although the longer copy has become very popular, particularly in web based communication, I am not a fan of letters that are extremely long or contain a sense of hype or urgency. Anything that moves me in the direction of urgency is a red flag to me. I’m from the old school that says, “If you have something valuable to offer, you don’t have to oversell it because it comes through loud and clear in your communication.” In my opinion a good letter should not be overly long which means a page or a page and a half of well-written interesting copy should suffice. We are intelligent people and I don’t think we need to be convinced through extensive content or a sense of urgency to buy a product. If you want to encourage your reader to buy, sell with integrity, especially when you have a great product to offer.

Question 3:

Is my web site too crowded? I have a right side bar on several pages of my site with topics of interest and wondered if it looks too busy? Each page or article of interest is listed in separate search engines therefore visitors may show up for different reasons.

Answer From Charlene:

Once again I must reiterate that I am not a web master therefore my opinions come strictly from my own on line business experience and from my visual perception. I love the colors of your site and think they are perfect for your industry. I am not too keen on a site being too busy therefore I recommend simplicity if at all possible. The cleaner and less cluttered the better. I think many people make the mistake of trying to crowd in too much on a site thinking that visitors will not get the correct information. Consider your goals. I know that much of what you have at the side bar has a lot of good information so instead of removing it entirely, perhaps you could move the information lower down and position it horizontally. If people like what’s at your site, they’ll explore to find more.

Question 4:

As a British company our site is written using UK English, e.g., colour instead of color. Is this a distraction to American viewers? Secondly, we are considering putting up French, German and Spanish versions of our site. Is this a good idea or an affectation?

Answer From Charlene:

I can only speak for myself, but professionally speaking, I am always very impressed with the written content on UK sites. I find UK English to be very proper and charming and do not find it to be a distraction at all. In my opinion it’s a distinguishing quality and one that adds a special flavor to your site. I would have no hesitation in using it. As far as adding the information in French, German and Spanish, depending upon your purpose, I think that would be a plus. Recently I’ve been receiving newsletters in Spanish and I’m not able to read them. I wish I could but since I don’t understand Spanish I have no idea what they say. For those who receive information in other countries that don’t speak our language it is probably an affront. I think it would be very respectful to create your site in other languages (something more of us should do) and I wouldn’t hesitate to follow through.

Question 5:

At the moment our site provides free information on demographics and hospital information for European countries. The data appears on screen but is not easily downloaded. Is it a good idea to provide the same information in an e-book?

Answer From Charlene:

I would recommend making that information available in an e-book. Offering an e-book allows you to make your information easily accessible and readable at the person’s own time and pace. It’s a great way to share a lot of important data and lends credibility to your business.

Question 6:

Several customers have commented favourably about our products. What is the best way to translate an ad hoc comment on the phone into a quote that you can use on the web site? Is it worth approaching existing clients to ask for their comments?

Answer From Charlene:

Absolutely! I would definitely consider translating comments you’ve received on the phone and turning them into brief excerpts that can be placed on your web site. When someone makes a comment that you’d like to quote, simply ask his or her permission to use it. As for asking for comments, if it’s done tastefully, I’m a firm believer in asking for what you want. Recently, I made a brief comment to someone who wrote me about their site and they were so pleased with what I had to say they asked me if they could use my comments on their site. I was very flattered that my words meant enough to them to be included so of course I said yes to their request. Nothing speaks louder than sincere testimonials and recommendations.

Question 7:

Having read quite a bit about the subject of key words, I know the importance of including keywords in the text of my web site and have repeated these words often throughout my site. Can too much become ridiculous? As a copywriter yourself, what is the criteria you have developed to reach a satisfactory balance?
Answer From Charlene

Once again I am not an expert on the subject of key words and search engine optimization but I have done a bit of research to determine the best approach. From everything I understand about key words, the most important key words should be present at least four times in the body of your web site pages. I’ve also been told that one shouldn’t use more than 30 key words.

Question 8:

A few years back one was told to put variations of keywords in the content tag. As an example I used “handwoven mohair,” “hand woven mohair” and “hand-woven mohair.” I use many variations but wonder if this is still necessary.

Answer From Charlene:

In answering that question, I would first consider whether the method you’ve used is working. If it does work, I would say continue doing what you’ve been doing. If it’s not as effective as you’d like, try putting yourself in your visitors shoes and think of specific keyword phrases rather than just words. With so much competition on the web, you have to think of phrases that aren’t widespread yet will attract potential visitors. As an example, since you present baby blankets, I would try to incorporate “baby blankets” into some of your phrases.

The best and most important advice I would give to anyone operating an online venture is to be consistent with your approach. Just because things around you are changing daily doesn’t mean you have to change along with it. Maintain awareness of new technology as much as possible but don’t be overwhelmed by it or by the constant changes that will inevitably come about. We don’t have to know everything to operate a successful business because when the time is right we are guided to the next step. Stay open to the opinion of others, but always make the choice that is best for you.

Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist and Author to her creative efforts as a freelance business writer/consultant. She has successfully helped companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding press releases, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, web site content and all other forms of marketing material. To speak with Charlene you may contact her at or write her at You can also call her directly at (310) 514-4844

Charlene Rashkow Answers Content Questions: Click Here For Free Answers

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