Thursday, September 19, 2024

Facebook Reunites Man With Birth Mother

Once a site gets so popular you can almost guarantee the negative press to begin – that seems to be the nature of the beast, disallowing the sunset ride off to be completely free of potholes. But every now and then (not often enough, in other words) something very nicely warm and fuzzy, like an early Christmas story, gets through.

We need that in haze of August I think, at least a little.

Facebook is on the upswing of the hype bell curve, steadily climbing to a relative immortality, and that, if you followed Google and MySpace, means that conspiracy theories, predators, and accusations of some form of corruption or another will be piling on the horizon.

But in the interim, we have this: A too-young mom that gave up her son 20 years ago has found him again on Facebook.

It’s a feel-good story, one that doesn’t end in resentment or awkwardness, as these stories often go, and even has a nice fateful twist. Travis Sheppard had just moved to Vancouver four months previous to find his birth mother, and was near to deleting his profile when she messaged him.

“The connection between the two was instantaneous and they discovered they share similar characteristics and likes and dislikes,” the AP reports, and Travis has even met his birth father.

Sounds like he calls his birth mother “Lori,” though, but that’s to be expected – one can’t disown the woman who raised him.

If all that’s too Lifetime Movie-ish, fear not. There’ll be bad Facebook news lurking around the corner. I guarantee it.  

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