Friday, September 20, 2024

EU Cracks Down On Misleading Electronics Websites

More than half of European websites selling consumer electronic goods were found to be misleading online shoppers, according to an investigation by the EU Consumer watchdog.

The investigation covered 369 websites selling six of the most popular electronics goods to consumers in the EU, including digital cameras, mobile phones, personal music players and game consoles.

Meglena Kuneva, EU Consumer Commissioner
Meglena Kuneva
EU Consumer Commissioner

It covered 200 of the biggest websites selling electronic equipment as well as more than 100 websites which were targeted based on consumer complaints.  The investigation revealed 55 percent of the websites had misleading information about consumer rights, the total cost of a product or incomplete contact details.

“We targeted websites selling electronic goods because I know from my own mail bag, and we know from the level of complaints coming into European Consumer Centres that these are a real problem area for consumers,” said Meglena Kuneva, EU Consumer Commissioner.

“We discovered that more than half of the retailers selling on-line electronic goods are letting consumers down. This is a Europe-wide problem which needs a European solution. There is a lot of work to be done in the months ahead to clean up this sector, Europe’s consumers deserve better.”

The EU says authorities will contact the websites and ask them to correct the problems identified. If a website does not comply the EU said it would take legal action leading to fines or the closing of such sites.

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