Friday, September 20, 2024

27 Essential Marketing Tips

The following 27 essential marketing tips are culled from my marketing experience during the last 25 years. These are the tips that have helped me over and over again. They have helped me get back on track when I have strayed off course. All of these tips may not work for you, and that is OK. Perhaps you will find some tips you have not considered before that will help you connect with your internal clients as you market your programs and services to them.

  • Marketing should be focused on improving your customer’s condition
  • Embrace the concept of “Free”
  • Short copy doesn’t sell – your customers want the details
  • Use lots of headlines
  • Email alone will not do the trick
  • Learn to talk the language of the business
  • Start all over from scratch!
  • Lock out the competition-provide answers to customer doubts
  • Ask yourself-Do my marketing efforts answer the questions my customers need answered in order to make a decision?
  • Each marketing effort should be able to accomplish more than one thing
  • Keep it simple
  • Keep it straight forward
  • Help your customers, customers
  • Be proactive
  • Resist razzle dazzle
  • Spell out expected results
  • Build a relationship
  • Regularly provide helpful new content to keep people coming back to you
  • Contact information must be on everything you produce
  • Understand the benefits
  • Sell the benefits
  • Get back to the basics
  • Be bold. Break your mold
  • Think in terms of, “How many different ways can I communicate this message?”
  • You are never finished
  • Don’t worry if it doesn’t work. Try something else
  • Work with a rolling 18 month calendar
  • Which tips do you regularly use? Which tips seem interesting to you? Which tips can you incorporate into your existing marketing strategy to improve your business with your internal clients? My favorite tip – Each marketing effort should be able to accomplish more than one thing.

    Lynda Curtin is an expert ideation facilitator, professional speaker, trainer and author in the fields of business creativity, marketing and speaking. To book Lynda for your event call 818-507-6055 or email For more information on her programs go to

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