Saturday, October 5, 2024

Engage Your Ezine: Tweak, Tweak, & Re-Tweak!

It takes energy, focus, and devotion to develop and maintain an ezine. The word “tweaking” derives new meaning as an editor concentrates on the publication that will be viewed, read, and thus, benefit reading subscribers. All previous knowledge of publishing, writing, and anticipated reader-interaction is brought together in one spot — the keyboard and monitor screen.

Here are some tips for tweaking your publication:

–Design for Ease of Scanning: Make your Table of Contents or Index easily accessible to your readers. You have only a few seconds to capture their attention. Don’t make them ‘hunt’ for your topics. Create headings that will ‘urge’ your subscribers to stay.

–Make a list and update this list as you progress: Keep a small notebook by your keyboard for instant notes – you might not remember them later. Or keep your text/word editor minimized so you can click it open and type your ideas.

–Opt for Writing and Reprinting Shorter Articles: Let’s admit it – we can all say the same in much less. Online readers are very overworked and reading time is limited. Write/Use articles that are under 1,000 words. Optimal length is 600-800 words.

–Rely On Your Fellow Editors: We’re not competitors, we can all work together! It’s a Big world!

–Accept Articles: Dual purpose – fresh, quality content for you, plus free advertising for the author. “Always” get permission and include the author’s bio/resources. When you publish another author’s article, be sure and thank him/her. Remember, printed magazines pay big money for articles – your contributors are giving their articles in exchange for the free advertising. What a blessing, so be sure and send a “Thank You” email! For a list of syndicated article services, contact me:

–Use Simple, but Pleasing Design Techniques: Newsletters are for information and quality content. Limit your graphics and make sure they are compressed for fast loading. Don’t use quick-flashing graphics – these can sometimes cause epileptic attacks in readers who are subject to seizures.

–Make These Convenient: Contact info, identification of ezine’s title & your editor’s name, table of contents, subscribe & unsubscribe info, subscriber count, your web site link, site map and home page links. If using html format, use internal links to the table of contents/index and other necessary areas of your ezine throughout your publication.

–Personal, yet Professional: Always be professional! Even when giving the personal touch in your ezine, keep it professional. One way to give the personal touch is to include your photograph, but make sure it is a professional photo. If it looks like you just went jogging, that’s a bit too personal… unless you have a fitness site, of course. 🙂

–Offer Something Extra: Offer information pertaining to more than the main subject. For example, if marketing is the theme of your ezine, have a section for poetry, music links, health articles, etc. Variety will attract more than only marketing customers and thus increase your subscribers list, plus your sales!

–HTML vs. Text Format: Here are a few of the pros for each: HTML – 1. Easier to read; 2. The use of color can help organize & categorize topics; 3. Most large, professional ezines use HTML format; 4. Compressed graphics can help emphasize and focus reading. TEXT – 1. Some readers prefer text format; 2. Takes less time to compose; 3. Remember to add “mailto:” to your email links so they will be clickable; and 4. Use dividing lines for organization so your ezine is not one massive, confusing page of text. When publishing in HTML format, also send a text version for those readers who can not or choose not to receive HTML format. For an excellent mailing service, contact me:

–Mistakes are Human: Realize that we all make mistakes. After publishing to your subscribers, if you find you’ve made a mistake, realize that your loyal subscribers will understand. For example, after an ezine has been delivered, if you forgot to run the spell check, you will Gasp! But then tell yourself, “It’s okay, it’s okay!” 🙂 To avoid this in the future, make a checklist to review before publishing each issue.

See your ezine as a means to “Give” and “Assist” your readers! Then research, compose, and tweak, tweak, and re-tweak!

Happy Publishing!!!

Our best to you, Susan Nichols, Vector Central Marketing

Susan Nichols, editor of the Interactive Marketing Ezine, assists businesses with essential marketing methods to generate online success! Susan is also an expert in Solo Ad designing. Whether in plain text or designed with custom backgrounds, Solo Ads are one of her specialties! Subscribe:

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