Friday, September 20, 2024

e-Machine Speed Trouble


hi Carey,
When I restart my E-Machine, it takes a long time just to get to the desktop, and then the computer goes slow when trying to go from page to page. Is there anyway of speeding it up? Also I’m getting Error messages. If I leave the computer it’ll just pop up. One more thing (sorry!!) When I download music on KaZaA I can’t listen to it…The mute is off and the sound is up. Can you help? Thanks!!

greatly appreciated,
Karen Tappa

Hi Karen,

E-Machines are notoriously known for their cheap quality and resulting stability problems. To resolve all these problems at once, I would recommend formatting the hard disk and starting over.

Without knowing which operating system you are running or what the exact error messages are, there is no possible way for me to suggest a detailed set of instructions to help resolve your particular problem(s).

I do recommend that if you do not want to completely re-install your operating system, that you either take your computer to a professional for repair, or have patience and attempt to fix one problem at a time. If any one problem cannot be resolved, you may have no other choice but a complete fresh re-install.

As for your PC taking a long time to boot up, I suggest running a spyware removal program such as AdAware. You can download it from You should also have antivirus software running at all times and have it updated at LEAST once a week. If you have no antivirus software, I cannot emphasize how important this is if you use this PC on the Internet.

Finally, once you have done all that, click Start, click Run and type MSCONFIG and click OK. Click the StartUp tab and listed within it is every program Windows is launching before it loads your desktop. Some of those items are critical to Windows functionality. Some other items are completely unnecessary. Uncheck ALL items you think you can live without and this will reduce the amount of work Windows has to do when it starts along with freeing up resources and memory for applications you actually utilize.

Thanks for writing,

Carey Holzman owns and operates Discount Computer Repair (602-527-9723) in Phoenix, Arizona, where he offers repairs, upgrades, custom built PCs and network wiring at highly competitive pricing. His networking tips have appeared in David Strom’s book, The Home Networking Survival Guide (McGraw/Hill), and his own book on PC maintenance is currently available at local book stores, or directly through him. His free informative web site can be found at Donate $30 to help maintain his site and you’ll get a free autographed copy of his book. Carey can be reached directly at

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