Sunday, October 6, 2024

Ebooks — Self-Publishing Your Way to Internet Success Part 5 Ebook Design (HTML)

When designing an HTML compiled ebook, you must create an HTML document (web page) for each page within your ebook. These pages should include all of the following:

Introduction – You can create an image that compliments the theme of your ebook, add your company logo and ebook title or whatever you’d like. You should begin typing your introduction on this page explaining what your ebook is all about.

Foreword – You can include information in regard to warranties, copyrights, trademarks or even an editorial.

Table of Contents – A Table of Contents is really optional. If your ebook contains only a few chapters, a Table of Contents really isn’t necessary. However, if your ebook contains many chapters, it is highly recommended that you include a Table of Contents. This will enable your readers to quickly locate important information.

About – This is really an optional page. It really depends upon the type of ebook you’re creating. If you’re writing your information in the form of a how-to manual, then you should include an “About” page. This page should be used to tell your readers about your ebook, your company, your website, yourself or whatever you’d like. Make sure you provide your website address and your contact information.


HTML ebooks are created just like a website. In order to navigate through the pages, you’ll need to include good navigational links on each page. In addition, each page you create should contain links to the previous and next page within your ebook. For example, page two of your ebook should have navigational arrows or links to page one and page three. Page three should have navigational arrows or links to page two and page four and so on.

File Names

All of your files, including HTML pages and graphics, should be placed within a folder by themselves.

Your main or starting page of your ebook should be called, “index.htm” or “index.html”, as many HTML compilers require this. You can name the rest of your pages anything you’d like.

Creating Links

When linking to another page within your ebook, your HTML code should look like this:

<A HREF=”yourpage.htm”>Your Page</A>

To display an image within your ebook, your HTML code should look like this:

<IMG SRC=”yourimage.gif”> or <IMG SRC=”yourimage.jpg”>

Keep in mind that any images you include within your ebook must be included within the compilation.

If you’re linking to a web page outside of your ebook, make sure you create a link that includes the full path to the website and will open the page in a new window like this:

<A HREF=”” TARGET=”blank”> Your Site</A>

If you don’t include “TARGET=”blank” the web page will open within your ebook.

Enhancing Your Ebook’s Appearance

To enhance the appearance of your ebook, include small images that compliment the subject of your ebook. In addition, create small graphic page headers, subject dividers and bullets. By including these images, you will greatly enhance your ebook and provide a more enjoyable experience for your readers.

Try to avoid using animated or large, slow loading images, as these types of images can be very distracting and irritate your readers.

HTML compiled ebooks can include just about everything that HTML 4.0+ supports. You can include live links, subscription forms, order forms, JavaScript, DHTML, Flash, video and sound.

When designing your ebook, try to avoid using anything that requires a special plug-in, such as Flash. Although a dynamic presentation looks nice to those capable of viewing it, not everyone has those capabilities. Flash is very slow loading and can cause your readers to become frustrated when trying to load your ebook.

Creating an Icon

Many HTML ebook compilers are now enabling you to use your own ebook icon. This icon is an image that will be displayed on your clients’ desktop. When clicked on, it will open your ebook.

In order to create an icon, you must have a special software program that will save your image with a .ico extension.

You can download a great software program called, “Icon Edit Pro” here:

Before creating an icon, make sure you review your compilation software to make sure that you can include your own icon and to get their specifications.

In part 6 of our series, we will focus on some publishing tips such as copyrighting your ebook, obtaining an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and more.

Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design
course, Web Design Mastery.
An in-depth guide to professional web site design. Visit to sign up for a complimentary subscription
to Etips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, “Killer
Internet Marketing Strategies.”

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