Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ebooks — Self-Publishing Your Way to Internet Success Part 9 Designing Your Sales Page

Writing and designing a great ebook is an essential part of your success. However, it is only a small part of your overall strategy. In order to be successful, you must develop and implement a strategic plan that includes all of the following:

  • A great ebook
  • A web site specifically designed to sell
  • Persuasive ad copy written with passion, excitement and benefit
  • An easy ordering process
  • A powerful marketing strategy
  • Each step will play a very important role in your overall success. You must plan each step very carefully and develop your strategy to its fullest potential. If even one step fails, your sales will suffer.

    Designing Your Sales Page
    When you’re ready to design your sales page, keep in mind, the most important part of your page is your sales copy. Fancy web sites and graphics don’t make sales…words do.

    Your sales page should have one specific purpose — getting your potential customer to take action. It should be simple in design and focus on one specific product.

    Design your page in standard HTML and avoid using Flash or anything that requires fancy plug-ins. You want your page to load as quickly as possible and draw your visitor’s attention to your text.

    Another consideration of great importance is the Search Engines. You must specifically design your page to rank high in the Search Engines. Including good META tags is a step in the right direction. However, META tags are only a small part of preparing a page for the Search Engines. Your page design, title, text, link text and image alt tags all play a very important role in determining how your page will rank. Visit Search Engine Watch to learn more.

    If you’d like a head start on designing your sales page, you can find some free templates here.

    Writing Effective Sales Copy
    Your words are the most important part of your entire marketing strategy. Every word, sentence and headline should have one specific purpose — to lead your potential customer to your order page. Pack your copy with all of the benefits your ebook has to offer. Tell your potential customer exactly what your ebook will do for them. Identify a specific problem and promote your ebook as the solution. Write to persuade — that’s the bottom line.

    Your sales letter should begin with a powerful headline that DEMANDS ATTENTION. This headline might be in the form of a question that identifies a problem, or it may be in the form of an intriguing statement. Your headline is the most important part of your entire sales copy. If it doesn’t immediately grab your visitor’s attention, they most likely won’t read any further. Developing a great headline should take more time than writing your entire sales letter. It’s that important.

    Display your headline in a large, bold font that demands your potential customer’s attention and intrigues them to read on.

    In order to keep their attention, use subheadings (headlines) throughout your sales letter. Subheadings should provide highlights of each section and capture the attention of those who just scan your text. Display your subheading in a large, bold font.

    When you begin writing your sales copy, write as if you were talking with just one person. Write your copy with passion and excitement and tell that one person exactly what your ebook will do for them. Write your words so that they seamlessly flow together from your beginning headline through to your order page.

    In addition to using a killer headline and sales copy, you must also include some powerful testimonials. Make sure you don’t create a separate page for your testimonials, as they most likely won’t be read. Place your testimonials throughout your sales letter to ensure their visibility.

    Free Bonuses
    Another powerful tactic used to increase sales is to include free bonuses with the purchase of your ebook. Many times, you’ll find that a customer will purchase your product just for the bonuses.

    If you’re in need of some great bonuses you can offer with your ebook, visit the following web address:

    Completely remove your potential customer’s risk by including a money back guarantee. If they’re not completely satisfied with your product, for any reason, you’ll refund their money. Internet users are apprehensive when it comes to making purchases on the Internet. You must put their mind at ease by building their confidence in you and your products.

    The final part of your sales letter should include a PostScript. When your visitor scans your sales message, chances are, they’ll read your headline, subheadings and your PostScript message. Place your most important benefits within your P.S. message. It will get read.

    Take your time and develop your sales page to its fullest potential. It is an essential part of your success. You may have a great ebook, however, if your sales copy is poor, your sales will be minimal. A great sales page sells.

    In part 10 of this series, we will focus on developing your marketing strategy.

    Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design
    course, Web Design Mastery.
    An in-depth guide to professional web site design. Visit to sign up for a complimentary subscription
    to Etips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, “Killer
    Internet Marketing Strategies.”

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