Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Easier Than Ever to Video Tweet

Why tweet in 140 characters or less when you can Tweet in full color video all day long? So query the video sharing sites like and which allow users to share video updates through their favorite microblog site—Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, friendfeed, et. al., ad nauseum. Whether you want to use your webcam or your mobile device, sharing video is only a couple of logins and a wee bit of hassle away.

A bit too much hassle, apparently, for some.

All that is changing. Now, these two video microblog sites will let you log in and start tweeting your videos using only your Twitter login information. No longer will users be required to set up a separate account on or Simply visit the site, enter your Twitter account info, and…lights, camera, action!

Sol Lipman is the creative brain behind 12seconds. He explained that the goal of the Twitter/12seconds marriage is easy integration. “What we really want to do is bring in just your conversations, and allow you to use video as a response platform for that conversation.”

It really is that easy. Twitter users, regardless of whether they’ve used 12seconds or even know what it is, can go to, and log in using their Twitter username and password. 12seconds automatically sets up an account. After that, they can video tweet away—up to 12 seconds per tweet, that is. 12seconds doesn’t include any reply tweets, since it is intended to focus solely upon video. Thus, it is not stealing traffic from Twitter. It’s just enhancing it. is doing the same thing. Chyrs Bader, the man behind the site, also chose to streamline Twitvid’s video-sharing by utilizing the Twitter login information. In his words, “We want to create a video sharing platform that does not have a destination site.”

The amalgam of sites, logins, and platforms is creating some confusing issues for advertising revenue. But, ah, they’ll figure it out. Meanwhile, enjoy your easy video tweeting.

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