Thursday, September 19, 2024

Duet Hits Right Note For CRM, ERP Applications

Duet, the “groundbreaking collaboration between SAP and Microsoft,” is turning heads yet again.

Intended to bridge the gaps between the companies’ software, Duet captured the attention of Computerworld, which deemed it worthy of a “Special Report” in the midst of the “2006 Computerworld Horizon Awards.”

Mark Levitt, the Program VP for Collaborative Computing and the Enterprise Workplace at IDC, was quoted in a press release about the software when it was first launched on May 2. (There has only been one other official press release about Duet since then – the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission adopted the program.)

“Duet is a business mashup of Microsoft Office applications with SAP enterprise information and processes that can improve the quality and speed of decision making and workforce productivity,” Levitt said. “With Duet, SAP will be easier to access and more relevant for many more users who spend their workdays in the Microsoft’ Office.”

The Computerworld article included a comment from Dennis Moore, the executive vice president and general manager of emerging solutions at SAP, about Duet’s origins.

“Customers wanted the ease and familiarity of their Office environment and yet wanted the ability to access and use the robust, secure business processes from the SAP back-end systems,” Moore said.

“As Web services and SOA became integrated features of both companies’ product lines, the feasibility of providing contextual business information from SAP within Office 2003 increased, and the idea of Duet was born,” Moore finished.

Since its inception, the program has gone through a limited initial release, with a “broad release,” according to Computerworld, “scheduled for this summer.”


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Doug is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest eBusiness news.

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