Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dramatically Increase Your Newsletter Subscribers

If you want to increase your subscribers, here is a list of what you need to get ready.

Use your notebook or a text file of your choice to keep this information readily available at the click of your mouse.

Be sure to set-up a file with all the information you will need that you can copy and paste, then you can just pop your information into the forms without retyping them every time.

Have Headlines ready 5, 7 and 10 words. Don’t make it sound like an advertisement, just describe what your newsletter offers (because many ezine directories will not list your ezine if it sounds like an ad for your products). Simply use the name of your Newsletter and a couple of descriptive words.

i.e.) If your newsletter is called Bike Racing Weekly you could say… Bike Racing Weekly guide to getting ready before you ride. or: Bike Riding Tips for safe riding.

Have descriptions ready, “again”, be sure to only describe what you offer in your newsletter and DO NOT submit an ad for your products or services.

i.e.) Read articles on safe bike riding, using the right gear, exercises to prepare you for injury free riding and eating right to improve your endurance and health.

Be sure to have many descriptions ready ranging from 10 words to 100 words. Always title or number each of them for easier tracking.

10 word description
15 word description
25 word description
35 word description
50 word description
75 word description
100 word description

Cost Of Ad: if you accept ads explain how to send information ad rates, available forms of payment. How many lines and characters per line.

i.e.) Ads up to 4 lines and 60 characters per line. $15.00 per Issue We accept Visa, MC, AmEx.

If you accept articles explain how to send information. Be sure to list length of articles accepted, and the acceptable formats.

i.e.) Articles accepted 500-1000 words. Please send articles to: and put “Article Submission” in the subject line.

Be sure to have a sample newsletter available by autoresponder, (as many sites may require it).

Subscribe information: Have the URL of your site or Listserver available where people can subscribe to your newsletter.

As an example list the back issue of your Newsletter on your site in an archive and use the URL of this page for people to submit to your Newsletter this way they can see what type of content your newsletter has, and be more likely to subscribe. Be sure to have a subscribe form on each page of your archive.

A list of a least 15 key words with the most important ones listed first since many sites only allow 5-10 when you submit.

Your Contact Information:

City, State, Zip
Country or Province
email Address

And most importantly be sure to keep a file of each site that you submit your newsletter to including the following information.

1. URL and Name of Site
2. The title or number of the description you used on the site and the category you submitted to.
3. If a reciprocal link is required put the HTML code for it in the file.
4. Description of the site
5. URL of your listing
6. Date verified that your listing was posted.
7. And plenty of room for notes

Tracie Johansen is the author of – “eBook Ideas The Ultimate Guide To eBook Promotion”, “The Free Beauty eBook”, “1001 Beauty Tips” Plus she is also the publisher of “Articles By Autoresponder” She offers many free eBooks on her websites plus Free search engine submit, A Free meta tag maker, Free doorway pages, a link exchange and more. She is the editor of 3 Newsletters including Autoresponder Articles, Action Ezine, and 1001 Beauty Tips News. You can visit her sites at: and

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